
Peach and Apricot Production at Orchard at Ahern

This is the current (2020) production coming from peaches and apricots at The Orchard at Ahern. The Orchard at Ahern is located between Bonanza and Washington off of Clarkway. There are about 3000 fruit trees planted in this 8 acre orchard only 1 1/2 miles from the Las Vegas Strip. The Orchard at Ahern is a 3000 fruit tree orchard located on Ahern property only 1 1/2 miles from the Las Vegas Strip. Apricots pruned for height control spaced at 10 ft between trees and either 10 ft between rows or 14 ft for equipment movement. Apricot production. Apricots and aprium varieties totaled about ten different varieties with chill ranging from a little over 200 hours to over 700 hours and no fruit thinning. Apricot and aprium varieties include Flavor Delight, Leah Cot, Summer Delight, Katy, Chinese, Royal Rosa, Blenheim, Flavor Giant, Gold Kist among others on semi dwarfing Citation (preferred) and Myro 29C. Peaches were on the same tree spacing as apricots and pruned to the same height. Peaches were thinned by pruning when they were dormant during the winter. No hand thinning of individual fruit was done. About 24 varieties of peaches and six varieties of nectarines were planted about four years ago. Again our favorite rootstock when keeping them under ten feet tall is Citation semi dwarfing rootstock.

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“Red Push’ Chinese Pistache for Residential Landscape

Q. We Live in the Phoenix, Arizona area and have two 10’x10′ planters made of pavers and want to plant ‘Red Push’ Chinese Pistache in them. I am worried about damage to pavers from the roots. Irrigation would be from drip irrigation system on a timer. One of the planters for a Chinese Pistache tree A. ‘Red Push’ Chinese Pistache tree can get 50 to 60 feet tall with irrigation. In my opinion, this tree is too tall for most residential properties. You need a large landscape, a park or city streetscape to accommodate that size. Read what Chris Martin from ASU has to say about Chinese Pistache in the Phoenix area. The size of the planters should not be a problem when planting Chinese Pistache if using a soil coarse textured enough for good drainage and not planting shallow rooted flowers in there that require frequent, light irrigation. If planting something else in that planter, select plants that have deep roots or that don’t require frequent irrigation. I would select a smaller tree. I have the feeling you selected that tree because of its fall color. There are other reasons for tree selection than just one trait. What sizea tree is needed for those planters? 20 feet? 30 feet? Remember, larger trees usually use more water. What shape should it be? Arching? Round? Upright? The Phoenix area has some pretty good wholesale nurseries that grow plants for the desert including Mountain States Nursery and Arid Zone Trees. Take a look at what they have to offer.

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Desert Horticulture Podcast: Thinning Fruit

Thinning fruit, or fruit removal so the remaining fruit become larger, does not have to be a mystery. It is a management process that you must do for most fruit trees. If you don’t, the remaining fruit will not become larger. But on some fruit trees it doesn’t work. Learn which ones it doesn’t work on and why in this Desert Horticulture Podcast.

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Sunburn A Huge Problem in the Desert

Our light intensity is very strong in the desert. Some thin barked trees and shrubs get sunburned if they don’t have enough protection from strong sunlight. The natural way to protect plants from sunburn is to allow these plants to shade their own trunks and stems with leaves. Not providing enough water can thin out the canopy of trees and shrubs and encourage sunburn. Sunburn, like on this ash tree, starts out as a discoloration of the wood. Plants that typically sunburn include many of our fruit trees, mostly peach and apples. Ornamental trees and shrubs also get sunburn. Plants that I see with sunburn include Japanese blueberry, locust trees, ash trees, Indian Hawthorn, and others. Sunburn can happen to fruit, too. This yellow apple has the first sign of sunburn on the fruit facing the sun. Severe sunburn causes the plant to die on the side exposed to the sun. Bark on this side is loosely attached to the trunk. When you pull this bark away from the trunk you may see oval-shaped holes in the wood. These are exit holes of borers. Removing the bark also removes hiding places and birds have a better chance picking them off when they emerge. The side facing the sun dies under severe conditions and boring insects can invade the living parts on the edges of the damage. Eventually this becomes part of the tree that dies. Having rock mulch around plants that do not like rock mulch reduces the number of leaves and increases the chance of sunburn. Plants that do not like rock mulch, like the ones I mentioned above, will develop an open canopy, leaf loss, and sunburn. In the case of sunburned fruit the area darkens as the sunburn worsens. What’s the problem with sunburn? When humans get sunburn we recover. When plants get sunburn, particularly in a desert climate, they frequently decline and die. Attack by boring insects, or borers, is the first phase after sunburn damage. The borers create more leaf loss which increases sunburn. At this point the plant falls into a death spiral. The side of the branch or trunk facing the sun has the most damage. In this Bottle tree it is the upper surface of the limbs. Use surface mulch, particularly wood chips, and not bark mulch. Don’t water trees and shrubs daily. Water them two or three times each week during the heat of the summer. Reduce the number of times per week during the cooler months. When they receive water, it should water the roots to a depth of at least 12 and preferably 18 inches.

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Message to Landscape Maintenance Contractors and Homeowners

As I was walking my property, I was thinking about landscape maintenance contractors and what they should be doing when going from job to job. As I thought about it more, I realized it would be a good message to homeowners as well. Alcohol wipes are safe and easy way to sanitize pruners. Sanitize Pruning Equipment Tree and plant diseases like Sooty Canker and Fireblight and, who knows even though its not proven, Ash Decline. We know that many plant diseases are passed along from plant to plant and residence to residence by unsanitary equipment, hands and clothing. Sanitize your pruning equipment between residences. If you see a plant or tree that you are trimming and it doesn’t look right, SANITIZE any pruning equipment you use on it. Then educate your customer. Let them know you are doing it and why. Make it a difference between your company and another who doesn’t know or, worse yet, doesn’t care! BTW, most tree diseases are spread when the tree is actively growing so a good time to prune is during the winter months. ALWAYS sanitize your tools when plants are growing. Sanitize Mowers Besides lawn diseases, lawn weeds can be passed on from property to property on unclean mowers. Everyone is using a mulching mower now but they still need to be cleaned, particularly when a disease is active. Our lawn diseases are mostly “hot weather diseases” like Summer Blight. Many of our worst weeds I hear complaints about are “winter weeds” like Poa annua. Spreading lawn diseases and weeds lasts 12 months long. Ask to use your customers hose and wash mowers between jobs, Turn the mower over and spray the blade with a sanitizer before the next job. Handling Your Boss More money is a good incentive. Instead of being the “tree hugger” or “plant person” on a job, use the money angle. Charge a little more for the work you do. Or tell them it will reduce costs. It costs a bit more to sanitize your tools and equipment but your customers will pay for it. As I always tell my students, “Pursue the HIGHEST dollar you can get, not the LOWEST!” Charge for your time and let the customer know you are doing something about the spread of plant diseases and weeds.

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Know the Difference Between Carolina Laurel and Bay Laurel

Q. I found your blog, Xtremehorticulture of the Desert, and hoping you can tell me if my tree is a Bay Laurel or not. I looked at pictures of Carolina Cherry trees that look similar. This tree has supports which I know need to be removed at some point. The tree was planted by my builder in February of last year. Bay Laurel just after we pruned it A. Looks like Bay Laurel to me. Bay Laurel is a Mediterranean tree and more tolerant of our desert climate than Carolina Cherry Laurel. Carolina Cherry Laurel is native to the southeastern US and not tolerant of desert conditions without proper site selection, soil preparation and watering. Carolina cherry laurel is native to the SE United States so it struggles when planted in hot locations with inhospitable soil. This one is suffering from iron chlorosis.             One easy way to tell the difference is to crush the leaves and smell the herbal (Bay) aroma.  Bay Laurel leaves have a pungent aroma. When you crush the leaves of Carolina Cherry Laurel they have an aroma of maraschino cherries rather than herbal.             The second way is to look for round “glands” at the base of the Carolina CherryLaurel leaf where the leaf is attached to the petiole (leaf stem). These “glands” are characteristic of many plants in its genus (Prunus) like plums, cherry, peach, etc.             In 98% of the cases, the “supports” or stakes should be removed after one growing season. There are a few cases when the trees do not establish rapidly due to grower mismanagement or poor planting practices and need support longer than this.

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Orange Palm Leaves Signal Time to Prune

Q. The bottom layer of my palm fronds turned an orange – yellow color almost overnight. Is this from too much water or not enough water? Palm fronds may turn orange before they become yellow or brown and then die. Its your signal to prune. A. Neither. The cause of these fronds turning orange or yellow is natural. These orange and yellow colors are already there, masked by the strong green color that the chlorophyll provides. We see the same color changes with “Fall color”. Canary Island Date Palm with lower fronds dying naturally.             The bottom layer of fronds die naturally. As these lower fronds approach death due to old age and shade, some of the minerals in the leaves are absorbed back into the palm, first turning the lower fronds orange or yellow and eventually brown. Sometimes these color changes occur quickly and other times more slowly. How fast depends on how hot it is. Fan palm with brown lower fronds in need of pruning and removal.             The nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium move out of the frond first followed by magnesium, chlorine, zinc and molybdenum. Lesser mobile nutrients are left behind which include sulfur, iron, boron, and copper. These mineral “remainers” dominate the content of palm fronds. This color change is your signal to cut and remove palm fronds.

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Look for Borer Problems As it Gets Hot

            I had reports sent to me about peach trees with yellow leaves on a single branch. You might see this on other fruit trees such as apple as well. For those of you lucky enough to have this condition on your fruit tree then this may be an indicator of a borer problem that needs treatment now. Let us talk about what else to look for to confirm it and what to do. Borer problem on the limb of a three year old peach tree.             Notice I said, “yellow leaves on a single branch”. This is important because borers usually lay their eggs on a single branch, not all over the entire tree. The only exception is if your fruit tree is newly planted or less than two or maybe three years old. In this case, the borers may find the trunk of the tree enticing for egg laying and kill the entire tree outright. Usually borer damage is in full sun, on the south or west sides of the trunk. Jelly-like sap oozing from the trunk or limb of a susceptible tree after a rain is a pretty good tell-tale indicator of borers.              Look for sun or borer damage to the limb with yellow leaves on its upper surface. Borers seldom affect the shaded sides of branches or on the north or east sides. Borer damage to a newly planted tree can be lethal because the tree is so small.             What to do? Buy an insecticide that contains imidacloprid listed in the active ingredients on the label.  Follow the label directions for a “soil drench” applied around the base of the tree where water is applied. You would do this now but I would treat the tree as a non-edible for the next 12 months even if the label permits its use on fruit trees.             I have had some luck using a sharpened, sanitized knife without an applied insecticide. The knife is typically 6 to 8 inches long with a good-sized blade for removing the damaged bark. The damaged area is skinned away from the limb until fresh wood, not damaged by the borer, is seen. The damaged area cut away by the knife is only about ¼ inch deep. This cut area is not treated in any way but allowed to heal on its own. I have had some luck using a clean knife and eliminating borer neighborhoods. I have no research to back it up but it seems to work sometimes.

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Sucker Growth From the Base Can Signal Drought

Q. We have three Japanese Blueberry trees in our yard: two in the back and one in the front.  All three have dead branches that snap off when you bend them.  Yet there are scattered green leaves above the dead branches and far more green leaves at the bottoms of the three plants. Is it possible this is due to lack of water?  They were all planted about 4 1/2 years ago.   Some plants will die back and regrow from its base. This can be due to a lack of water or sunburn in high light intensity environments. A. Sounds about right. Sounds like the trees went through a dry spell and then regrew. Oftentimes when trees come back from drought they sucker from the base. But some trees like oleander (grown as a tree, not a bush) will sucker from its base naturally because it wants to be a shrub. If the drought lasts quite awhile, the top can also die back. There are trees that sucker from the base naturally, but this tree shouldn’t unless it was stressed. Japanese blueberry struggling in our hot, dry desert climate.             Whatever caused the stress (you are guessing maybe a lack of water) suckers grew from the base of the tree. The top may have “fried” during the drought, and then grew leaves again, from leaf buds on the stem, when water was reapplied.             You are aware that Japanese Blueberry is not a great choice for desert climates. It is not a “desert adapted” tree. Does great in coastal California but not the desert. Make sure the trees are planted in the mildest microclimate you have (probably east or north side of your home), the soil was amended at the time of planting, water applied under the canopy 18 inches deep and the top of the soil covered with woodchips and not rock. Get free woodchips and load them in plastic bags, a car or a pickup truck. Call the Master Gardener helpline at 702-257-5555, M-F,  and see if any are available and where.

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