Do Your Plants a Favor. Woodchip (Wood chip) Mulch Available!
North Las Vegas, Nevada. Wood Chip Mulch: Fully stocked! open at 8 AM for load-your-own! Please bring your own tools and containers! Drive around the west side of the property to the mulch piles in the back, Please wear a mask if others are around. Pick-up trucks can be tractor loaded from 8:30 -11:30 for a $5 fee. For more information call 702-257-5555. This is what you see from Horse Drive. This is where it is located in North Las Vegas. This is what woodchip mulch will do for your fruit trees. Notice those with woodchip mulch applied vs. those NOT with woodchip mulch applied to the soil surface after planting.
Do Your Plants a Favor. Woodchip (Wood chip) Mulch Available! Read More ยป