
Marketplace at The Roots

~ Marketplace at The Roots ~

A new Saturday market is opening at the Vegas Roots Community Garden.

The first market day is November 24th, from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM.

Please read the flyer and additional information below.

We really hope to meet you!

(Vendors, please see below)
Vegas Roots Marketplace at The Roots Flyer

Free Admission –

We have lots of room down here.  Parking and admission to the market are completely free.

Local Vendors –

We will strive to have between 25 and 30 vendors at each market.  Their wares will range from locally grown produce and honey to various artistic creations.  All local and all in need of your support.

We’ll try to provide a pre-market update of the vendors we expect, so you can plan your shopping accordingly.

Tour the Property –

We’d love to have you come down just to view the garden and its spacious four-plus acre grounds.  So, if you’ve ever been curious about the Garden or even if you’re just now hearing about it, our new Market will give you a great reason to pay us a visit!

You-Pick Garden –

Part of your tour of our sanctuary will include the chicken coops, the permaculture garden and the You-Pick garden.  Throughout the year, garden staff (volunteers) plant various crops.  Since Las Vegas has such favorable year-round growing conditions, local residents can usually find something to harvest.  There’s nothing quite like picking and enjoying a fresh tomato, squash or other vegetable right off the plant.

Kids Playground –

You are welcome to bring your children with you.  In fact, we encourage it.  Not only is it a great learning environment regarding food production and quality, but the young ones won’t get bored for a moment.  We have a very nice playground that frankly, doesn’t get enough attention.   Of course, we’ll need you to keep an eye on them, because the chicken coops are right beside the playground…

Music –

The Garden is a peaceful, restful and grounding place.  We’ll have some nice background music going, thanks to DJ Coco, to add to the enchantment.  Eventually, we hope to have some live musicians perform.  One step at a time…

Support Your Community –

This is a great way to make a difference locally.  A couple of times a month you can buy super-fresh produce and other perishables as well as various other goods, rather than shopping at your favorite grocery store or supermarket.  The Garden benefits, the vendors benefit, the community benefits.  Just the way we love it!


Please do!  This is a non-profit community garden.  It’s open to everyone.  The Marketplace at The Roots event is your official invitation to come on down and see the place.  Look around.  Shop.  Meet new folks.  Find out about all we have going on down here.  Maybe even volunteer?

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