
Garage of Old Fertilizers – What to Do?

Q. What do I do with all the partially used chemical
fertilizers in my garage?

Chemical storage.

A. Most mineral fertilizers can be applied as the
fertilizer bag recommends. They dont go bad unless they get wet. 

Some fertilizers that contain pesticides must be disposed of properly. If your fertilizer does contain a pesticide then ask me how to get rid of it. If permitted and you no longer want or need these types of
fertilizers, give them to your non-organic neighbors for application. It’s best
to use them up as normal applications rather than put them out as garbage.

            The mineral
fertilizers considered “hazardous waste” usually have a weed killer or insecticide that is no
longer permitted to be applied by homeowners. These fertilizers should be
considered hazardous waste and disposed of according to county regulations that
are intended to protect our water supply. Other types of mineral fertilizers
can legally be applied. But ask to make sure.

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