
WFT Damage on Nectarine Showing Up Now

Q. The fruit from my nectarine had a lot of “sores”;
spots with tiny “bubbles” of hardened fluid. Yesterday, early evening, I sprayed the tree with “soapy
water” in hopes of improving the problem.
A. Your nectarine fruit has damage from Western Flower Thrips
(WFT). That’s one of the reasons I don’t plant too many of them. WFT are hard
to control without spraying frequently and soapy water alone won’t do it. 
Spraying with Spinosad insecticides weekly until harvest, starting after the
flower petals have dropped, has given the best control for me.
I alternate Spinosad with Neem oil, and soap and water sprays so WFT don’t
build resistance to it so easily. Peaches are easier to grow without spraying
as much because of their fuzzy skin.
View my posts on this on my blog
Pyrethrin Doesn’t Kill Thrips

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