
Fertilizer Improves Yield of Cactus Fruit

Effects of
nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on fruit yield and quality of cactus pear
Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.

M. Arba1,a , A. Falisse2,3, R. Choukr-Allah1 and M.
1 Department of Horticulture, Hassan II Institute of
Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine, Horticultural Complex of Agadir, Morocco
2 Crop Production Unit, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, Liège
University, Belgium
3 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural
Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj, Romania
4 Quality and Food Safety Laboratory, Gembloux Agro Bio
Tech, Liège University, Belgium
What is already
known on this subject?
Studies on mineral fertilization of cactus pear were
carried out in some countries where cactus pear is cultivated. Several authors
reported that mineral fertilization increased fruit yield, but some of them
have indicated that fruit quality could be affected by fertilization.
What are the new
Obtained results showed that nitrogen and phosphorus
mineral fertilization improved fruit yield, mainly fruit size (weight and
dimensions). Fruit quality was not significantly affected. Mineral
fertilization also increased the emission of buds and of shoots.
What is the
expected impact on horticulture?
Understanding the effects of nitrogen and phosphorus
mineral fertilization on fruit yield and quality of cactus pear. The
improvement of cactus pear managing practices, mainly the application of
fertilizers, pruning and harvesting. The improvement of the socio-economic life
of the farmers and the rural populations in the arid
Introduction – In order to optimise the nitrogen (N) and
phosphorus (P) fertilization of cactus pear in arid regions, we decided to
determine its effects on the yield and fruit quality as well as on the plant
Materials and methods – Five N-P dressings were compared
on the spineless cv. Moussa in the Agadir area: 0–0, 0–80, 40–40, 60–0, and
60–80 (in kg N ha-1 – kg P2O5 ha-1) over two consecutive growing seasons (2011
and 2012). Yield components and physico-chemical characteristics of the fruit
were recorded at harvest.
Results and discussion – Although in 2011 the
applications of N and P had no effect on fruit yielding, in 2012 the dressings
60N or 80P alone increased the yield by +3.0 and 6.1 kg plant-1, respectively,
compared with the control. Combining both N and P at the same rate resulted in
a maximum yield of 14.9 kg plant-1. Fertilization had positive effects on
flowering rates, fruit size and fruit number, and did not modify the content of
pulp, the juice content, peel thickness, the juice dry matter, the pH,
titratable acidity, total sugars and soluble solids. It also did not modify the
dates of flowering and of ripening. Nitrogen dressings significantly increased
the number of emitted buds and emitted shoots on one-year cladodes by four
Conclusion – Relevant N-P fertilization significantly improved
fruit yield, the number of fruits per plant and fruit size in particular. Long
term and postharvest effects shall be further studied.
Introduction – La fertilisation azotée (N) et
phosphorique (P) du figuier de Barbarie a besoin d’être optimisée en zone
aride. Cette étude vise à en évaluer les effets sur le rendement et la qualité
des fruits et à en décrire les effets sur la phénologie de la plante.
Matériel et méthodes – Cinq fumures N-P ont été comparées
pendant deux années sur la variété inerme ‘Moussa’ dans la région d’Agadir:
0–0, 0–80, 40–40, 60–0, et 60–80 (en kg N ha-1 – kg P2O5 ha-1). Les composantes
du rendement et les caractères physico-chimiques des fruits ont été enregistrés
à la récolte.
Résultats et discussion – En 2011, les différents niveaux
de fertilisation n’ont pas eu d’effet sur le rendement alors qu’en 2012, l’interaction
entre N et P était très significative. En comparaison avec le témoin, l’apport
de 80P ou de 60N a augmenté le rendement de +3,0 et +6,1 kg plante-1,
respectivement, et le traitement 60N + 80P de +14,9 kg plante-1. Les
traitements fertilisants ont eu des effets positifs sur le nombre de fleurs et
le nombre de fruits formés, ainsi que sur le calibre des fruits; en revanche,
ils n’ont pas eu d’effet significatif sur la teneur en pulpe et en jus de
fruits, l’épaisseur du tégument, la teneur en matière sèche du jus, le pH,
l’acidité titrable, les sucres totaux et matières sèches solubles. Ils n’ont
pas nettement modifié les dates de floraison et de maturation des plantes.
Cependant, l’apport d’azote a augmenté le nombre de bourgeons émis par cladode
et le nombre de pousses sur les cladodes d’un an, jusqu’à le multiplier par 4
Conclusion – Une fertilisation N-P appropriée permet
d’améliorer de façon significative le rendement en fruits des cultures de
figuier de Barbarie en condition aride, en particulier le nombre de fruits par
plante et le calibre des fruits. Les effets dans la durée et en post-récolte
doivent encore être étudiés.

My Comments. This is another study that
demonstrates increased yield of cactus pear (aka beavertail cactus) fruits when
fertilizer is applied. Water must be applied more carefully because of damage
to the plants if watered too often. But this paper also addresses fruit quality
to some degree. Sensory evaluation is not considered but fruit quality is
measured by laboratory equipment rather than by people tasting it. Sensory
evaluation is hard to judge using laboratory equipment.

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