
Damage to Citrus Leaves Varies with Seasons

Q. Someone I know is having problems with
something eating the leaves on his citrus tree.  I cannot think of what
animal would do this.  Can you?

Feeding damage by insects can vary with the maturity of the leaf

A.  If this damage occurred to citrus leaves
earlier in the season when temperatures were warm, it could because the by
insects or even snails. If this is happening now, while temperatures are cold,
then think of warm blooded animals such as rabbits, ground squirrels or even

Ground squirrels hibernate when
temperatures are cold but you may see them active when temperatures are still
warm but it is winter time.
Citrus leaves will probably drop when the
temperatures get cold enough and so that problem will be gone. I would not
worry about it too much at this time of the year. It would be more of a problem
if leaves started disappearing during warm weather when the plant is relying on
the sun for its source of energy. If it’s caused by warm-blooded animals, they
will move on to something else.

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