
Reader Not Sure What to Do with Aloe

Q. Not sure of what to do with this plant, Any

A. Aloe doesn’t like it in the same spot you might plant
a cactus. It likes a little bit more protection from the sun and it
also likes improved soils. I would plant it on the east side of a building or
the south side if it’s getting some filtered light. Northside is possible but there
needs to be lots of reflected light. You can plant it in a desert landscape
surrounded by rock but in a few years it might not grow very well, turn yellow
and begin to dieback to the ground.
It’s a succulent so you have to plant it and water it
differently from a cactus. It will like more soil amendment such as compost
mixed with the soil around its roots at the time of planting. You will have to
water it about like a shrub growing in your yard, maybe twice a week or when
you see it begin to shrivel.
Water and fertilizer. Because it is not a cactus, it should be
watered and
fertilized more often. I would fertilize it once or twice a year in the
and early summer. It will respond very nicely to compost applied to the
within 6 to 10 inches of the plant, no closer. Then water it in. Water
it about every two weeks or when you see it start to shrivel.
Your Aloe vera can be propagated very easily by removing
the soil around its roots and cutting off any new “starts” or pups
with a sharp knife or pruning shears. If you don’t do this every couple of
years they will get overgrown.
They make good container plants but like I said you will have to take it out of the
container every few years when it starts to get overgrown and divide it, cut
off the pups for replanting. If you cut off the pups and lift them from the
soil right away, put them in the shade for a day so the cut end has a chance to
heal over. Don’t plant it with a fresh cut.
You can also take a long sharp knife and cut the soil
between the mother plant and the pup. Cutting through the soil will also cut
the attachment to the mother plant. Do not lift it but leave it in the soil
next to the mother plant for a few weeks. This will give the pup a chance to
grow more of its own roots. Then go ahead and lift the pup with a long knife,
pushing it up through the soil beneath from beneath it rather than only pulling
it from the soil by its leaves. You can replant it in a container or new spot
As far as the health/medical benefits of aloe, It has a lot of uses. I think you will get a lot of comments from this post so stay tuned.

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