
Snail Control from a Scottish Perspective

Hello Robert (a.k.a.

I’ve recently moved from
the cool, humid gardening of Scotland to the arid, sun-scorched earth of
southern Nevada. What an adventure – complete opposites in the gardening world.
I discovered your blog
while searching for help with plants and I’m enjoying reading your posts and
learning a lot about gardening issues here in the desert.  And I spotted your older post on snail
problems and thought your readers might like to know what I tried.

Vacant snail shells picture from the reader

I discovered hostas one
day, while exploring a big gardening exhibition, and decided I had to have
these fabulous plants in my garden.  So I
bought several varieties, took them home and had fun planting them out.

Readers Hostas

Big mistake. It was like
putting up a neon sign saying, “Free Caviar Here Guys” as snails
descended on my garden. Now I should add that I hadn’t seen many snails up to
this point.  So how the heck did they
know I had planted hostas?  Overnight
they stripped a few of my young plants to almost bare stalks so war was
As we had a variety of
pets at that time, and a resident hedgehog under the shed, I wanted to avoid
using anything that could be toxic. 
I had tried several of the
suggestions you mention in your blog, but without much success.  I also tried using:

  • crushed egg shells and
    coffee grounds mix – limited success.
  • crushed garlic and coffee
    grounds – again limited success.  (But
    this works well around the base of roses and keeps the bug population down)
  • chunks of orange and lemon
  • pieces of slightly
    crushed-up aluminum foil around the plant
  • cocoa bark mulch

But none of these proved
to be good long-term solutions. 

uj cross bearings castrol chassis grease good water resistant ...
Scottish recommendation

By adding hostas I was
obviously offering 4-star Michelin cuisine, and my garden was rapidly being
overtaken by snails and their extended slug families. So I decided to dig up
all my hostas and put them in large clay pots. 
That solved the problem for a short time. 

Then I discovered the
perfect answer, after chatting to friends who were gardeners.  
Vehicle grease.
It worked 100%. I smeared
Castrol multi-purpose chassis grease, about 2 inches up from the base of each
pot. They couldn’t go through it.  And if
you apply a thick layer, it lasts for ages. 
For added protection, I
also sat the pots on sharp gravel. At last my hostas started to thrive and look
Until one day I noticed
familiar munching marks on a few leaves. 
That’s when I discovered that snails are clever little blighters.  And not easily deterred.  They were dropping onto the hostas from
overhanging plants. After a bit of relocation and plant pot checking to catch
the ones that were hiding, I solved that problem too.  I’d finally won the war.

I hope this might help some of your readers with their snail
problems.  Happy gardening and thanks for
all your grand advice. 

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