
Young Tree With Curved Trunk: Stake It?

Q. I planted a 24 inch
boxed “Ped Push” Chinese pistache. After it was in the ground I
removed the nursery planting stake. Now the trunk has a curve in it. Will
properly re-staking help straighten the trunk?

A. The tree requires
staking but not because the trunk is not straight. This will correct itself, on
its own, over time. The tree requires continued staking for other reasons.
Unfortunately, the production nursery that grew this tree did a bad job. The
retail nursery that bought this tree got it at a good price. They are both at
fault because they passed these problems on to you and they knew better!
            Looking at the pictures it seems like you did a very good
job planting. I like the idea of the berms around the planted area to hold
water and help push that water deep enough to water the entire roots.
            Remember that the berm should be about 4 inches high and
the bottom of the burned area should be as flat as possible or all the water
will build up on the low side resulting in roots that get plenty of water on
the low side but not enough on the high side.
            To compensate for uneven soil, the berm must actually be
taller than 4 inches; taller on the low side and shorter on the high side.
            I want to point out something to you about the tree and
it will relate back to the staking. Look at the trunk of the tree. Notice that
it does not have a lot of taper to the trunk. What I mean by taper, the trunk
diameter does not change a lot along its entire length.
            This is the primary reason it does not stand on its own
very well and will require staking now. In a strong wind, because of the lack
of taper to the trunk, it is very possible this tree could snap in two. If the
trunk had taper, it is much less likely to snap in a strong wind. This has to
do with a lot of engineering mumbo-jumbo.
            The reason this tree does not have good trunk taper is
because of how it was grown in the production nursery, not the retail nursery.
But I will fault the retail nursery for buying these types of trees.
            They know better but they got a good deal on it and they
pass the savings on to you, hopefully, and you probably bought it because it
was inexpensive compared to others and you didn’t know any different.
            Trees with a lack of taper on the trunk are grown too
close together in the field, they are pruned incorrectly to encourage height at
the expense of a lack of taper. Then they stake the trees because they cannot
support their own canopy weight because of a lack of taper and this problem is
passed on to you. And I challenge these nurseries to prove me wrong! I know I’m
right and it makes me mad to see these kinds of production practices all
because they want to make a buck.
            What can you do to correct this problem? You’re going to
have to stake this tree or it will snap in a strong wind. Guaranteed.
            Where to stake it is important. The bending and flexing
of the trunk is important in the development of taper. If the tree is staked so
the trunk cannot move back and forth, e.g. flexing and bending, this will
contribute further to this problem.
            Secure the trunk to stakes so that the bottom of the
trunk does not move. You do not want the bottom of the trunk going into the
ground to move. You want the top of the tree to flex back and forth, but not
the bottom.
            The trunk should be secured high enough so that it does
not snap but the top of the tree can still move. This would be roughly about
halfway up the trunk.
            Secondly, if any shoots grow from the trunk, do not prune
them off!! Let them grow until they get about pencil diameter and then prune them
off from the trunk leaving no stubs behind.
            New shoots should always be allowed to grow from the
trunk because they help contribute to trunk taper. But remove them when they
get older, always allowing the young ones to remain. Once the tree no longer requires
staking, then keep the trunk clean of any new growth and remove it as soon as
it appears.
            If you by any large trees, 15 gallon and above, in the
future I hope you will consider trunk taper or the growth of side shoots along
the trunk when purchasing a tree avoid nurseries that sell inferior plant

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