
Why Is Our Saguaro Cactus Leaning?

Q. We got your email from
our son in law who recommended www contact you. We have a saguaro the has been in place for 10 years or so. A couple of months ago, it started leaning and
now is in danger of falling over. We
staked it but are not sure what to do. 
We were told it might be rotting from below although it looks ok. It is
about 6 1/2 feet from the pool but there doesn’t seem to be any water near
it.  I am attaching a couple of
pictures. We would appreciate any advice
or insight you can give us.

A. The usual reason that saguaro might lean are related
to water. If the plants are getting water too often then this can cause root
death due to suffocation. Roots are important for anchoring the plant in the
soil and they might lean with root damage.
            I would not water more often than once every three weeks
if you are giving it lots of water each time. If you are very, very careful you
might get away watering more often but with less water but the water needs to
be applied up to at least three feet from the trunk.
            Also, if water is applied close to the trunk and the soil
is dry outside of this area then roots develop close to the trunk but no
further out. As the plant gets tall and “top heavy” the roots do not provide
enough anchorage, they are not spread out enough, and the plant begins to lean.
            While you are staking it, add more emitters further from
the trunk to encourage the roots to spread. They should be about 18 to 24
inches apart to provide even coverage of water to the soil. I couldn’t tell
from you picture but the second option looks more likely with what I could see
in the picture.

1 thought on “Why Is Our Saguaro Cactus Leaning?”

  1. Problem with Saguaro is that it was planted too deep and is rotting around base ! They need to dig dirt away from base to ck it out ! Just my opinion !

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