
Redbud Branches Dying Might Be Verticillium Wilt

Q. I live in northern New
Mexico (summer highs ~90 and winter lows as cold as -10).  I have had this tree for three years. I mulch
it heavily in he fall and so far it produces beautiful flowers in the early
spring.  Now this…..
A. I received both emails. At
-10 you are right at the edge of USDA 6 and Western Redbud is recommended for
zones 6 to 9. Verticillium wilt is possible. However, this tree is fairly young
and it is not common on young trees. It is more common on older trees and less
vigorous older growth or very vigorous growth due to over fertilization. Cytospora may be a problem if the tree was damaged
during winter cold weather.
Regardless the treatment
is the same and that is prune out damaged wood. A good idea anyway. Make sure
your pruners are cleaned and sterilized with alcohol, Pine Sol or 5% bleach
solution. Oil them afterwards if you use bleach.
With Verticillium wilt the
pruned limb should be cut off 12 inches below any signs of wilting. If this is
not possible then remove what you can and hope for the best. I am not sure on
Redbud but VW can usually be identified on most trees by what is called
vascular streaking in the wood where the wilting is occurring. Dead wood you
wont see any streaking..it is dead. On some trees like olive the streaking is
not visible.
This is a disease found in
soils. You should not plant any trees susceptible to VW in that hole. That
includes most trees. Ornamental grasses are okay to plant there. Also pines,
firs, juniper and spruce.

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