
Leaf Browning Due to Insecticide

Q. I am hoping you can
advise me on how to save my rose bushes I planted last spring. I sprayed my
them accidentally with a concentrated insecticide, not diluted. The next
morning the leaves looked like wilted spinach and I cried. Will the bushes
die?  A friend told me I should have
applied it to the soil.

Rose leaf scorch and death due to concentrated insecticide application. They will grow back.

A. They will come back.
You burned the leaves with the concentrated insecticide. You should see new
leaves and growth popping out in a week or so. During this time be careful not
to overwater. Water them normally or even less often if they do not have
follow the label directions when applying and don’t listen to friends. Application
depends on the insecticide. Some insecticides are root systemic and applied on
the soil around the roots and watered in. Others are foliar and applied to the

do not know which is which unless you read the label. The label will tell you
how to apply it, when to apply and the application rate.

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