
Bird Damage to Citrus Flowers and Immature Fruit?

Q. I have a lemon and a
lime tree in my yard. For several years now they have only produced one lemon
and one lime. I was told that the birds are probably eating the blossoms but I
never see any signs of birds in the yard. Can birds be the cause for only one
lemon and one lime in two years?
A. I have heard that
before from some people who have citrus but I have never seen it. I think it is
anecdotal. Some flowers are sweet and if there is nothing else available
perhaps they might but not when other food is plentiful. Different citrus flower
and fruit at different times of the year.
reports I have seen point mostly at sparrows or finches as the culprits. To be
sure, you would have to catch them in the act. The only solution I know is bird
netting or giving them a chance to eat food they would prefer.
usual problem with lack of production is freezing weather soon after or during
bloom. Even before bloom. Flowers, flower buds and young fruit cannot withstand
temperatures below freezing while the tree may not have any damage at
temperatures slightly below freezing (lime) or to the low 20’s (most lemons).

possibility is irregular watering, particularly in the spring and summer months
when plants require more frequent watering. Increase the times you water during
the April and May months. Use a surface mulch on the soil around the tree to
retain moisture around the roots.

4 thoughts on “Bird Damage to Citrus Flowers and Immature Fruit?”

  1. Tracy in Valencia, Spain

    Check your tree for cottony cushion scale, which look like white blobs of cotton and lay lots of small orange eggs under the leaves. As I don´t like to use industrial pesticides my solution was to wipe each and every leaf and stalk and branch with normal household alcohol that you keep in the medical box. First pick off the white things with a toothpick or similar, dispose of them far from your plants, and then wipe each red egg off the leaves. I wiped every leaf on both sides and the branches and they didn´t return. My tree reblossomed and finally has started to grow tiny lemons and i´ll just keep an eye on it for next year. I have also been told that lemon trees don´t like wind and prefer to grow near a wall, so perhaps think of making a wind barrier during the flowering season and when the lemons are still so tiny they can easily get blown off.

  2. I recently got a lemon tree. I was thrilled to see about 30 tiny lemons developing (smaller than a pea). A week later, they were almost all gone. Presumably birds plucked them off.

  3. It's possible. There are many things that can cause small fruit to drop from the tree including freezing temperatures, lack of pollination or lack of bees, watering or irrigation practices.

  4. I have lemon and orange trees in pots on my patio in Houston. I also have out sunflower seeds and a multi-seed mix that brings cardinals, finches, chickadee, and mocking birds to my patio. When watching the birds this morning I actually saw a cardinal eating one of the lemon blossoms after eating the sunflower seeds. Ungreatful weasel!

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