
Rosemary Not Flowering

Q. I have an upright rosemary
about four feet tall. It was sheared once on the top and the sides. It has never
bloomed. Is there such a variety that never blooms or am I doing something
wrong with this plant?

A. I have never heard of
one not blooming. Most reasons plants do not bloom are planting them into low
light levels (shade) or shearing them just prior to bloom. Normal bloom periods
are spring and fall but in warm areas they might bloom all season long.
Rosemary is a prolific bloomer in the spring and fall if it receives enough light

Pruned during the summer months if you want the blooms. Pruning in the spring or fall cuts off the flowers. Make sure it receives
plenty of sun and do not plant in the shade. Avoid high nitrogen fertilizers
but use fertilizers recommended for other flowering plants such as roses.

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