
Are Any Vegetables or Herbs Available Locally As Transplants?

Q. You mentioned growing winter vegetables such as
spinach, cauliflower and others. Are these vegetable plants available locally?
A. We are seeing more and more of these plants available
as transplants locally as the trend in vegetable gardening has grown but it is
still hit and miss to find them.
            Most of
these plants can be planted directly in the garden from seed easily. Certainly
the leafy green vegetables should be started from seed and not purchased as
transplants. These include spinach, lettuces, mustards, kale and the like.
are only a few winter vegetables that should only be started from transplants and
include Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage. Almost all of the other
winter vegetables can be started from seed directly in the garden if soil
temperatures are warm enough.
            If soil
temperatures are not, cover the area with plastic where seed was placed and
cover the edges with soil so wind does not pick it up. I have some information
I produced on soil temperatures required for different seed germination.

advantage of starting vegetables from seed is freedom from some of the pests
and diseases found in greenhouses as well as any pesticides that might be used
on them. Sometimes you may have to start these vegetables from seed when
transplants are not available locally.
If you want some videos on any of this let me know. I’ll be happy to make them and post them on YouTube with a link back to my blog.
I have included a copy of a vegetable and herb planting calendar for the winter that I did for a local compost company, Viragrow.

1 thought on “Are Any Vegetables or Herbs Available Locally As Transplants?”

  1. Currently star nurseries have closeouts on all their veges at 48ยข each for 4" pots. I picked up a bunch of kale, tatsoi and cauliflower over the weekend. They are planted and doing well.

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