
Recommended Vines for a Very High Backyard Wall

I’m looking for a vine to cover an extremely high backyard wall, approx.
10ft.  Backyard has southern exposure and
the wall faces east.    I would prefer an

I don’t like to answer questions about r
ecommended plantss for specific
applications. So I handed this question off to Andrea Meckley who loves these
kinds of questions.
Bob Morris forwarded
your question to me.  For an east facing
wall, I suggest the following evergreen vines,
1.  Banks Rose (Rosa Banksea)-semi-evergreen
     yellow or white flowers are nice yet
produce debris in spring, needs maintenance once in a while with wayward limbs
and suckers
2.  Firethorn 
Pyracantha (Pyracantha ‘Graberi’)
     red berries after spring white flowers may
attract birds
3.  Star Jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides)
     fragrant white spring flowers
you have a shady wall :
1.  Creeping Fig (Ficus pumilla)
     no flower, may damage stucco when you
remove it, no flower
2.  Algerian Ivy (Hedera canariensis)
     VERY aggressive root system, may damage
stucco when you remove it, no flower
    All plants will need support to stay on
wall.  One place for more information on
above plants is SNWA.com under ‘plant search’. 
Hope this helps with your decision. 
Contact me with any other questions or comments.
Meckley, Certified Horticulturist

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