
Planting in Patio Containers Step-byStep

I needed some advice for planting small trees or roses in containers on a
balcony. Please walk me through the steps of planting in containers, when is
the best time to plant, should the container be placed directly on top of a
plate for drainage? I don’t want to stain my white balcony floor.

The first step is selecting the container. The larger the plant you want to
grow, the larger the container must be to accommodate it. Weight is an issue on
balconies. Make sure your balcony can support the increase in weight from a plant
and container full of wet soil. Expect the container to weigh about 8 to 10
pounds for each gallon capacity, plus the weight of the container and the
weight of the plant.

Gravel is not needed at the bottom of the
. Omit the gravel that many people suggest. If the gravel is not clean
or sterile, you run the risk of adding plant disease to your soil mix.

Select a soil mix that is as light as
possible for patios
. Light soil mixes are used for houseplants and usually contain a soil
amendment called perlite. Perlite is a lightweight, crushed volcanic rock which
has been heat treated and expanded so that it contains a lot of airspace.
Perlite adds bulk or volume to the soil mix without much additional weight. Plus
it is good in holding water.

Perlite is used in light weight soil mixes. It adds bulk and improves water holding of a soil.

After purchasing the plant, gently remove
it from its container and put it in a clean bucket of water. Let the roots soak
submerged overnight. In the morning remove the plant from the bucket. Gently rinse
off the soil surrounding the outside roots.

It is not important to remove all of the
soil. Just the soil from the outside inch of the root ball. Once the soil is removed,
put the plant back in the bucket with fresh water covering the roots while you
prepare the container.

Never put roots of any plants in direct
contact with dry soil
. Put enough wet potting soil in the bottom of the
container so that the top of the root ball of the new plant rests 1 inch below the
top rim of the container. Using wet potting soil, fill the void between the
roots and the inside of the container. Use enough potting soil so that the top
of the root ball is barely visible.

Add about 1 inch of water to the container
to settle the potting soil around the roots. The potting soil will “disappear” as
it fills the voids among the plant roots. Add more wet potting soil and repeat
this process until the soil barely covers the top of the root ball. You are
finished potting the plant.

If the plant selected was for its flowers
such as a tree rose, fertilize the plant with a fertilizer applied to the soil at
the beginning of a growing season and once a month while it is flowering. Use a
fertilizer high in phosphorus which promotes flowering.

If the plant selected was for fruit
production such as a lime tree, apply a fertilizer to the soil just before
flowering begins and again after harvest. Use a fertilizer high in phosphorus
which promotes fruit production.

Watering will be as needed and when the
soil starts to become dry. One of the easiest ways to determine this is to use
a water meter sold for houseplants. They are relatively inexpensive and gives
you a general idea how wet the soil might be.

Moisture meters used for houseplants can give you a general idea how dry or wet the soil is.

Another tactic is to nudge or slightly
lift the container to get a general idea of its weight. Containers become
lighter as they lose water. A third way is to push a pencil into the top of the
soil. Pencils push easily into wet soil but are more difficult to push into dry

You will water the container enough so
that about 10 to 15% of the applied water runs out the bottom of the container.
This is important to prevent the buildup of salts in the soil which will damage
the plant. Any basin that collects water after an irrigation should be emptied
soon after it fills. The container can rest directly in the basin.

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