
Don’t Give Up on Petunias Because They Don’t Flower

I had two
planters of petunias that stopped blooming and the leaves had lots of little
holes. You told me that Tobacco Budworm was at fault and suggested applying
Dipel or Thuricide.  After several
applications we had lots of blooms on the petunias.  At the end of this growing season should we
replace all of the potting soil in the planters with new soil in the
spring?  Many thanks!

A. This
insect can survive here through the winter in the soil. If these are potted
plants then you can replace the soil but cultivating the soil several days
before planting will help to expose them to birds.
would watch for this problem in the future. These insects have wings in their
adult form so they will fly into your flower bed from the neighbors. The two
things to look for are the holes in the leaves and those little black specks
which is budworm poop.

year in May or June start looking for that on your petunias and other
susceptible flowers. I would not give up on petunias and Nicotiana just because
of budworm. Put down a couple of protective sprays of Bt, Spinosad or any
synthetic pyrethrin spray in April and May.
The fact that you put down Bt (Dipel or Thuricide) and had a reduction in the past problem tells me that it is working for you. Next year switch to Spinosad. The year after that use a permethrin spray. The year after that switch back to Bt. Keep rotating your pesticides.

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