
Red Bird of Paradise Is Poisonous but….

You had a post on your blog about red bird of paradise. posting on my blog

Will this bush hurt my
dog?  I don’t think she would grab the
flowers.  I want to grow a big bush in
this area of my back yard as my deceased husband loved the flowers.  I heard the bush is poisonous.
Flower of the red bird of paradise
Like so many plants, the dose makes the poison. Yes, this plant if it is taken
in large quantities would be poisonous to dogs, cats, humans, etc.
However, I would point out to you that
this plant is also sold, the leaves and stems primarily, for Ayurvedic medicine
and has been found by researchers to have antiulcer and anti-inflammatory
Please keep in mind that about 80% of
all landscape plants are poisonous. Some are more poisonous than others. Take
as examples oleander and the castor bean plant.
Many of our houseplants are also
poisonous such as mother-in-law’s tongue or snake plant and many others.
All I can tell you that in small
quantities I would not be too concerned. However if an animal consumed a lot of
the plant it might cause harm or worse.
My former floriculture teacher once went
on television around Christmas time and demonstrated by eating the leaves of
Poinsettia that it is not poisonous in small quantities. The white milky latex
found in the plant may cause some burning but it does not kill you as the press
has portrayed.
I will not tell you that it is non-toxic
and not to have some concern about it but on the toxicity list I would probably
put it as mildly toxic and keep your pets away from it if they tend to chew on
things. I would also not use the flowers as a garnish for a meal.

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