
How To Prevent Peach Fruit from Splitting

Q. My peach tree sometimes produces peaches that split up the sides. What am I doing wrong?

A. I had to go looking. Here is what i found
from Washington State University. It is a bit technical so I inserted some explanations about what they are talking about.

Peach splitting can show up as split-pits and as split fruit
with the pits still intact. Split-pits are the more common problem but our
understanding of this phenomenon is still limited.

We know that split-pits can occur about 20 days after bloom
or during pit hardening. Early season peach varieties, such as Early Haven,
usually show the problem more often but later season varieties can also have
split-pits. Rainfall is not responsible but may aggravate split-pits. There’s
been no consistent association between micro nutrient status deficiency or
excess, in trees and split-pits.

It appears that anything that upsets the carbohydrate
balance between leaves and roots can increase the split-pit problem. This
includes winter injury, girdling, high heat, heavy watering, excess vigor, or
trunk damage. The relationship between growth rate and split-pits is very

Much of the split-pit tendency is a cultivar of variety
characteristic that is genetic. Gardener control, other than choosing varieties
that have less tendency towards split-pits is, limited. Controlling tree vigor
may reduce the problem. Don’t excessively thin or over-fertilize.
Unfortunately, these practices will probably give you smaller fruit size.

The other splitting problem in peach is in the fruit itself,
called soft suture. It can sometimes be traced back to a fluoride toxicity
reaction or a response to one of the growth regulator chemicals like 2,4-d. We
suspect soil moisture may be a factor. Some varieties tend to be more prone to
soft suture symptoms. Symptoms are similar but the fluoride toxicity symptom
shows red pigmentation under the skin, the growth regulator response does not.
In addition, the fluoride related response usually is on the lower 1/3 of the
suture, near the calyx end.

In the case of fluoride toxicity, spray applications of
calcium chloride every ten days beginning about two weeks after pit hardening
have been effective.

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