
Petunias Not Producing Flowers

My husband planted some gorgeous petunias in early April.  At first they were all blooming and the
planters were beautiful but now there isn’t a single flower in either
planters.  We noticed a tiny black insect
on the plants and there were many holes in the leaves so my husband sprayed
them with Sevin thinking that would do the trick.  All we have is two planters filled with very
healthy green plants but no flowers. 

This is most likely tobacco budworm. I have attached a fact sheet on the pest.
Tobacco budworm larva or worm puts holes in leaves and eats flower and leaf
buds. The black drops you are seeing is probably budworm “poop” from
eating the plant.
            Spray the plants with a synthetic
pyrethroid insecticide, Bt or Spinosad. Sevin will probably work but the
problem with Sevin is that it is deadly to bees and when plants are in flower,
bees are normally attracted to them. Spray plants in the evening or very early
morning hours when bees are not active.

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