
Queen Palm Damaged From Irrigation Problem

Q. During the excessive hot spell our irrigation
failed while we were out of town. As a result, one of our queen palms lost all
its branches. In spite of subsequent life support efforts it does not appear to
be coming back. Is that too much to hope for? Is there anything we can do to
help it recover or should we just mourn its passing? If so, what do you
recommend we replace it with that has similar height and shade? The remaining
queen palms will be wrapped for winter to keep them alive.
A. They can normally handle the heat but if they are
stressed, and that will happen to that plant in this environment, this could
contribute to decline enough so that other factors take over and cause its

I am sure it was not from the heat directly, but perhaps indirectly when
we take into account other things that can be problems. I know it is too
late for you but I would generally not recommend queen palms for our Valley. They just end up
looking very anemic except in some very protected locations away from hot dry

If you are looking for something erect than you might look more closely
at date palms Canary Island date palms. They are slow growing but can give some
shade. Normally you should not have to wrap queen palms here. Wrapping the
trunk may not give you a lot of protection. The central bud at the very top of
the tree where the fronds come from is a major determinant if the tree will
survive. If that central bud at the top of the tree dies, the palm dies. The
trunk can handle a little bit of damage but not the central bud. Some people
claim that putting Christmas tree lights around the trunk help some plants. I
have never verified this.

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