
Sagging Yucca Arms Need Support or….

Q. I have this Yucca for about 15 years and I am getting
concerned about all the growth on the arm that you can see from enclosed photo.
It is getting real heavy and I don’t want it to snap. Any suggestions?

Readers yucca with sagging arm.
A. Your photograph was forwarded to me to look at . . . .
It is pretty cool that the arm with seeming all the foliage is really an arm
that sprouted at least 3 terminal buds  .
. There are three, maybe more but I am sure I can count 3 developing arms from
the end of the one arm making the arm look exceedingly well foliaged . .
.That’s just the nature of many of the Yuccas . .  Just look at the more vertical arm and you
can see a number years ago that arm set an off shoot

For a possible engineering solution . . .If your
neighborhood association’s codices, deed restrictions or anything else that
HOAs might impose allows it I would suggest propping the arm some where along
the arm that is parallel to the ground . . I have seen a single 2″ X
4″ stuck up straight up might suffice but two 2″ X 4″ to form an
no-symmetrical “X” with the upper crossing would be higher than the
bottom half and use the crotch to prop the arm up . . .

It can be made a bit more ‘rustic’ by using older more
weathered lumber . . .If you want to fashion a cradle in the crotch of the
“X” there will a wider spread of the weight out more than the direct
contact with the two 2″ X 4″ . .

By supporting it the side shoots forming the crown will
begin to grow and the weight plus the moment arm affect will cause it to be
heavier and heavier with age . . .

Cutting it off is obviously an option also . .

Terry Mikel

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