
Peach Miniature Selection for Containers

Q. I’m super excited to order some fruit trees this year
from the UNCE Orchard but it only makes sense for us to have them in large
containers. Which varieties would do well in containers?
A. It really would be better for you if you get miniatures
for your containers. Unless you are a super Duper gardener I wouldn’t recommend
standard size trees in containers. They are just a lot of work compared to

Genetic dwarf or miniature apple from Dave Wilson Nursery, “Apple Babe”
            We are not
ordering miniatures for the public at the UNCE Orchard. Typically, the fruit
from miniatures is not as high quality as we can get from standard sized trees. That being said, if I were putting a fruit tree in a container I would be selecting something that stayed as small as possible. We will see if we can come up with some miniatures for next year.

Miniature Peaches with Descriptions from Dave Wilson Nursery

Miniature or genetic dwarf peach from Dave Wilson Nursery

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