
How Do You Propagate Arizona Rosewood?

Q. How difficult would it be to propagate Arizona Rosewood?
And how should I prune one to shape as a multi-trunk tree, with more foliage in
the 6′ to 12′ height zone?

Arizona rosewood as a shrub
Arizona rosewood as a tree

A. It can be propagated from cuttings and seed. The easiest
is from seed.

Cuttings of
Arizona Rosewood should be taken in May and treated with a rooting hormone.
Expect at best about 50% of the cuttings to root.

With seed,
collect seed from seed pods when the pods are fully mature. Put into the
freezer in a plastic bag for about 6 to 8 weeks and sow the seed in sterilized
planting mix.

Rosewood is a slow grower. With Arizona Rosewood you would want to select four
or five main stems coming from the ground or very low on the trunk. These
should be going in different directions to give the plant balance.

 Remove all
new or existing small growth from these four to five stems and concentrate
growth in the upper canopy. Thin the growth in the canopy  to major stems growing outward and remove
growth going straight up or down, growing back toward the center of the small
tree or shading other growth by growing too close together.

You will
get faster growth if you have fewer stems. Growth will be reduced if you have
LOTS of places where growth can occur. Always keep the canopy occupying at
least half of the plants height.

 As the
plant gets larger let the canopy occupy 2/3 of the height of the plant and keep
the trunks free of new growth as soon as you see it. You can usually pull this
new growth out and will not need a pruning shears if you get it when it is

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