
Update on Tomato All Vine and No Fruit

From A Reader:
Bob, This is mostly a thank you for your answer above and hopefully providing some info for any other of your readers. If you remember my question previously….
Tomatoes are All Vines and Few Fruits … Q. With five
tomato plants all I really get is beautiful, huge green vine, why don’t I get
tomatoes? Being from East …

I moved our little garden from the west side
of the big fig tree to the east side hoping to get more sun on the tomato
plants.  I can report some success
with  this move.  I actually put in three plants, a Big Boy
variety (still have hopes) in one of those upside-down hanging planters just
outside the little garden on the west side of it.  Then a Better Boy variety on the west end of
our raised planter and a Celebrity variety on the east end.  Both of these are caged and are now about 5-6
foot high.  We have been eating very nice
tomatoes since the first of June.  The
plants seemed to take a breather for about a week of the very hot weather but
today (6 July) we took off another tomato and there are 14-16 green ones which
we hope will turn.

The Big Boy did not do too well, although it may again be
a sunlight problem.  It only gave us
three tomatoes and they were not very big, about 1/1/2 to 2″.  I actually hung the bag from a branch of the
fig tree with a pole support under.  I
had to constantly trim back the fig tree, and even then it only got sunlight
till about 12 noon.  Fairly close and
next to it is the Better Boy.  Got
several tomatoes but not very big, about 2 1/2″ +/-, and enough sunlight
might be a problem here too.  The best
performer was/is the Celebrity.  Got at
least a dozen so far and they are 3-3 1/2″.  I do think it gets more sunlight and this is
the reason it has performed better.  I
tried to treat all the same with the fertilizer and watering.

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