
Yellow Vomit-Like Thing Could Be Mushroom Related

Q. I found this thing in the picture I sent to you under my
Joshua tree this morning. It is about 6 inches long?  Is it mold? 
I only water three times a week for 5 minutes
Yellow “Thing” Under Joshua Tree

A. I get a picture of this once a twice a year, usually in
the spring when it is cooler, there has been rain and there is plenty of wood
chips for it to feed on. This is called a slime mold. Kind of resembles vomit.
Slime mold on wood mulch at the orchard.

They can
range in colors from yellow to orange and are related to mushrooms in a very
loose sense. Like mushrooms they are a decomposer and feed off of decaying
organic matter like wood mulches or undecomposed organic matter in the soil. We
see them in the orchard a lot feeding off of decaying wood mulch.
Slime mold in a lawn. It is feeding on decaying grass either as thatch or clippings or both.

treatment is necessary. It is a good guy since it breaks down woody debris.
Does not attack living plants. If you want to be an industrialist, destroy it
with the back of a rake and rake it into the mulch and soil. It will probably
come back at some time but like a pest would but it is a pest only because we are afraid of it. I will post pictures of some on
my blog.

7 thoughts on “Yellow Vomit-Like Thing Could Be Mushroom Related”

  1. It can. This is a type of "mushroom" and it reproduces with black spores. No worries. If there is nothing there to break down in the lawn and it is relatively dry nothing will happen. If it starts again just hose it down or rake it and break it up.It could smother the grass on that spot if you let it grow large.

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