
Rolly Pollies Sound Cute But They Aren’t!

I was cleaning up my raised bed garden today, getting ready for spring planting,
and I saw lots of worms. I know worms are good and I was happy to see them.
But, I also saw A LOT of rollie pollies!
These were mostly under some newspapers that I had originally put down
near the base of some plants as a mulch.
Are the rollie pollie beneficial to my garden or should I try to get rid
of them?

Rolly-pollys are a real menace to things that we eat which are soft bodied.
Particularly bothered are things like strawberries.

The roly pollies, sometimes we call them
pillbugs or sowbugs, can be a very common pest of soft fruits and vegetables.
These crustaceans (they are not insects but are more closely linked to
lobsters) usually feed and abound in rotting or decaying plant matter which we
usually call organic matter.

Stuff from plants which collects on the
surface of the soil where it is wet will begin to decay. This decaying organic
matter is a usual source of food for these common pests. They can be good guys
since they feed on decaying plant matter and convert it to something that can
be recycled and benefit the plants.

Once they get established however they
can get a little overzealous and start to consume other plants or plant parts
which are soft and succulent. Even new, small transplants! If strawberries come
in contact with the soil surface where these creatures are feeding they don’t
distinguish between soft decaying organic matter and soft succulent

So the control measures usually focus on
keeping the strawberries from touching surface of the soil or decaying plant
matter. This would require that the fruit be kept elevated off of the soil

Other people may recommend using
diatomaceous earth but I am not convinced that this will work with your roly
pollies. It is better suited for very soft bodied pests which crawl along the surface
of the soil.

These very sharp diatoms, at least this
is the thought process, cuts or lacerates the pest and they succumb to the
lacerations. You can also use traps in the beds and remove them from the traps
as they accumulate.

This does not exterminate them but it
does help to reduce their numbers and hopefully the damage from their numbers.
These traps can be something that lies on top of the soil surface, just like
you noticed with your newspaper, such as strips of carpet, cardboard or wood.

Removing these pests from these traps is
simple. Since they like their social gatherings in darkness they tend to gather
in these shady spots. Remove the shade and remove them by hand.

You can also put out semi rotten
tomatoes or other vegetables which will act like magnets and attract these
varmints. Then you can scoop up these rotting fruits and vegetables along with
the pillbugs and dispose of them.  That
won’t get rid of them permanently but it will take the numbers down.

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