
Having Trouble Locating Copena V1 and F1 Nopal Cactus

Nopal cactus growing at the Orchard. Copena V1 and F1
have different shaped pads, different flower and fruit

Q. I’ve been having a difficult time acquiring these two
varieties of nopal. Do you know how I might find them?

A. They are not really varieties but selections. Varieties
in the horticultural sense meant to be cultivated varieties. I have them at our
facility in Las Vegas but they would have to be propagated from a couple of
pads. The only other source I know of would be in Hermosillo, Mexico. You could
try contacting Everardo Zamora at the University of Sonora, Hermosillo, Mexico,
but getting across the border into the US might be a bit difficult or time

Everardo Zamora ([email protected])

There are other selections/varieties available online that
you could look at being grown in southern California and Arizona. There are
some with some huge tunas (fruits) that are very eye-appealing but I have never
grown them, only the Copena’s which are grown commercially in Sonora.

5 thoughts on “Having Trouble Locating Copena V1 and F1 Nopal Cactus”

  1. Hi, I'm in Santa Rosa, CA and am interested in buying some copena f1 and/or v1 pads to propagate and grow here. I would be willing to come to Las Vegas if you have any available to sell. Please reach me by email if possible. Thanks. [email protected]

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