
Sago Palms Growing Different in Same Yard

Q. I have two sago palms in my front yard. One has nice
growth in the center and the other does not. Attached is a photograph of each
one. I learned that all the landscaping was put in at the same time so I’m sure
they are the same age. Any ideas on why this might happen or how I can
encourage growth in the second one.  

A. Both look fine. They are at different stages of
growth; one has its new growth upright and lightly colored (since it is new
growth) and the other has not grown from the central bud yet so there is no new
upright growth at the center.

palm (a misnomer since it is not a palm) grows its new fronds from the central
bud in the same way palms do. If one of the sago’s is in a bright sunny
(warmer) location than the other one then it will show new growth earlier than
the one in a colder spot.

in shadier spots usually have fronds that are larger and more succulent and
luxurious in appearance. To me the ones in the shade look like they need more
light and are kind of spindly in appearance but that is my view.

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