
‘Red Baron’ Peach Flower Color

Q. After watching the beautiful flower color of ‘Red Baron’ peach on your YouTube channel, I want one. Where can I get it? I tried to find it locally but couldn’t find it.

‘Red Baron’ peach flowering at the Orchard at Ahern, a private orchard.

A. Try online. I found it at Groworganic.com. It is a yellow fleshed variety that flowers in early or mid March and produces fruit somewhere around mid-July to August. They will ship the tree to the Las Vegas location without soil in late January or early February, but is very difficult to find locally. Plant it (wet) as soon as you get it. Planting it wet should give you about one week of its water needs when planting at that time of year. Purchasing it can be done on this website: https://www.groworganic.com/

I would give the fruit from that tree a high three or possibly four out of five stars. Out of 25 to 30 varieties of peach trees, only three peach varieties consistently received a five out of five stars. The fruit was very good but did not receive a five-star rating. It is a good reliable peach tree for our area.

There are many peach trees to select from that produce fruit in our area. Others include the white fleshed ‘Babcock’, ‘Arctic Supreme’, ‘Galaxy Donut’ and ‘Indian Free’ among others. More traditional yellow-fruited types (and taste) include ‘Eva’s Pride’, ‘July Elberta’, ‘Belle of Georgia’, ‘Kaweah’, ‘O’Henry’, and other varieties. Select those that flower after the second week of February to mid March and produce their fruit before mid-August. For backyards and in the desert, always buy them on dwarfing rootstocks. Avoid genetic dwarf trees. Buy them 3/4 inch or smaller, the smaller the better. If they don’t have future limbs at your knees or lower, prune them to knee height after planting to encourage lower limb growth.

‘Red Baron’ peach flowering at the Orchard at Ahern, a private orchard.

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