
Are you Into Food Storage and Buying Bulk?

From Elizabeth Kay at www.crazykranch.blogspot.com

k, guys, lots to say here, so here goes…

First – orders – our next REGULAR order is the fresh strawberries again in April.  From now until then is completely open, so I’m welcoming any ideas for items you need in your storage – it can be freeze-dried foods, freeze-dried meals, herbs/spices, grains, beans, etc., or we can look into bulk ordering for something bigger like a sun oven, pressure canners, wheat grinders, etc.  Or we can stock up on some medical supplies.  Really, you can throw anything out there that you’re interested in, and I’ll find out if it’s worth it to do a bulk order with it or not.  

Meanwhile, I do still have some things from leftover orders so let me know if you are interested in any of the following:

Raw Honey from Wyoming – 1 gallon (around 12 pounds) – $30 each (I only have 2 left so hurry fast)

Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth – 50 pound bags – $50 each, 
                                                     5 gallon buckets – $23 each
                                                      or $2 a pound 

Metal Bung Wrenches for 55 gallon water barrels(will not break or warp from the heat) – $12 each
I Dare You to Eat It book – $8 each
Redmond Clay – 6 pounds (1 gallon bucket) – $50

and maybe some fresh free-range eggs from the farm while you’re at it – and don’t be surprised when they come in different shapes and colors – apparently that’s what real eggs look like!  $3 a dozen.  ðŸ™‚

Also, zaycon foods is offering Alaskan salmon, cod, and white shrimp in bulk right now if you are interested –  https://secure.zayconfoods.com/refer/zf44690 

And food storage geek is doing an order for natural beef (by the cow), and for coconut oil(if you are interested in learning about the REAL benefits of coconut oil, let me know, and I’ll do a post about it.  email me for more info on these orders…

I know I’ve been a bit sporadic regarding my blog, but I’m getting better – instead of having to look it up, you can sign up for updates, and that way it will be sent to your email whenever I update it.  My blog is www.crazykranch.blogspot.com.  

We’ve had some people ask us lately if we offer training for emergency preparedness/self-reliance representatives, and good news!  We do!  Let us know if you are having trouble getting started or need some ideas to get everyone thinking and excited instead of overwhelmed.  We’d be glad to help!

Is there any else I can do for you right now?  I will be starting a preparedness/reliance series on my blog soon, so stay tuned for this!  Hope everything is going well for everyone.  Hang in there, and remember – self reliance is the KEY to free agency…

Elizabeth Kay, Self-reliant Network

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