
Artificial Grass Not Damaging Lemon Tree

Q. My lemon tree is about five years old and it has a lot
of flowers and tiny lemons.  The tree
looks healthy but I have noticed the leaves are turning yellow.  I water it every day about ten minutes, six
days a week.  We have artificial grass
about a foot away around the trunk.  Am I
overwatering it or is it the artificial turf the culprit?

A. I don’t think the artificial grass has anything to do
with it. I suspect that maybe the soil is being kept too moist. The artificial
turfgrass may be acting like mulch and keeping the soil wet longer than if it
were not covered in anything.
deep and infrequently. It should do okay watered twice a week now with about 20
gallons or so each time.
getting some iron chelate spray and spray the foliage in the cool morning
hours. Add some spreader to the spray to get it to go into the leaves or use
some liquid detergent but be careful of store bought liquid detergents. It is
possible they can cause some leaf damage if you aren’t careful with them.
            You have
to spray liquid iron about four times; once every couple of days for four
sprays total. Spray until the iron solution drips from the leaves. Make a new
batch each time you spray and use the spray fresh each time because of our
alkaline water.

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