
Attention All Grade 3 Students Who Want to Garden!

The Bonnie Plants
Third Grade Cabbage Program Registration is open now and it is free! 

Gardening teaches kids where food comes from, healthy
eating and heightens their engagement with nature. A great way to get kids
started in the garden is the National Bonnie Plants Third Grade Cabbage
Program, it’s free to any third grade classroom in the country (48 contiguous
states), and kids love it!
The program began in 1995 at Bonnie Plants headquarters
in Alabama, by 2002; it grew by leaps and bounds and now includes 48 states!
Bonnie Plants initiated the program with a mission to inspire a love of
vegetable and herb gardening in young people. Each year, Bonnie trucks more
than one million free O.S. Cross cabbage plants to 3rd grade classrooms across
the country.
Calling all Third
! Have you ever tried growing your own food right in your own
backyard? Whether you’ve thought about it or not, you can do it, and the
National Bonnie Plants Third Grade Cabbage Program will help you.
Here’s how it works…. Every third grade classroom in the
48 contiguous states is invited to join
this fun, free, colossal cabbage
growing contest. Yes, it’s a National contest! Growing a cabbage provides third
grade students with a chance to win a $1,000 scholarship from Bonnie Plants,
plus statewide recognition. Bonnie Plants awards a scholarship to one winner
from each state.
Third Grade
: If your third grade class isn’t already registered for this
exciting program, it’s simple to get started. You can easily register your
class online at www.bonnieplants.com. Just fill out the registration form and
submit. Once registered, Bonnie
Plants will truck, direct to your classroom, enough
cabbage plants for each of your third grade students to take home and grow.
Delivery date(s) are based on geographic region. The cabbage provided is an
O.S. Cross; the “O.S.” stands for “oversized” and this variety can grow to be
gigantic! In 8 to 10 weeks after planting, students should have a huge, healthy
cabbage ready for harvest and program entry.
To view past winners and learn more about the Bonnie
Plants Cabbage Program contest visit www.bonnieplants.com and click on the
“Cabbage Program” tab at top of screen.
Green Earth Media Group
Joan Casanova
203 292 8820
203 610 2069 (cell)

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