
Attention Embarq Emailers – Check Your Spam Folder for Responses from Me

Sometimes I receive emails from people using Embarg.com hosted by Century Link. I respond to these emails but I told that my email response is undeliverable. Please check your spam folder when looking for a response from me. Email address of the sender in this response was substituted with XXXXXXXX.

In the subject line of the email sent notification

Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
Your e-mail is being returned to you because there was a
problem with its delivery. The reason your mail is being returned to you is
listed in the section labeled: “—– The delivery status notification
errors —–“.
The line beginning with “Diagnostic-Code:”
describes the specific reason your e-mail could not be delivered.  The following lines contains the RFC822 header of the original email message.
Please direct further questions regarding this message to
your e-mail administrator.
–AOL Postmaster
—– The delivery status notification errors —–
host mx.centurylink.net[] said: 554
    5.7.1 [P4]
Message blocked due to spam content in the message. (in reply to end of DATA

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