
Buy Local as Much as Possible

National Farmers Market Week 2022 

USDA Secretary Proclaims 2022 National Farmers Market Week

Secretary Tom Vilsack proclaimed August 7-13 as National Farmers
Market Week to champion the direct-to-consumer producers, market managers,
and customers that make their communities come alive during market days.
Farmers markets have great importance in the larger goals of USDA’s Food System Transformation framework,
and continue to be spaces for community engagement and education. Tricia
Kovacs, Deputy Administrator of the Transportation and Marketing Program
within the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), discusses this in her new blog post.

the week, AMS will feature social media and blog content to highlight the
projects and successes of local and regional farmers markets. Follow
@USDA_AMS on Twitter and Instagram to stay up to date. Grab those
reusable bags and see you at the market!

Read the Full Proclamation

Celebrate National
Farmers Market Week at the USDA Farmers Market

The USDA Farmers Market is hosting a
homecoming-themed celebration for National Farmers Market week on August 12,
2022 from 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. In addition to the more than 20 vendors that attend the market each week,
there will be a variety of exhibitors from federal agencies and community
organizations focused on local food and community connections. There will
also be a recipe demonstration at the market’s VegU tent, activities and prizes for kids at
the Produce Pals tent, musical performances, and more. Stop by to celebrate
the positive impact farmers markets make in communities across the country!

Visit the USDA Farmers

Take Advantage of
USDA’s Local Food Directories

Since its
creation in 2010, the Local Food Directories website has
transformed over the years to include information that makes it easy for
customers to find fresh, local foods through four main outlets.

Recent updates have made the directories even easier to use on
the go, on your phone or computer. USDA also launched a new directory for agritourism. As the
platform continues to grow, check out this blog post for tips on how to
navigate this resource, especially during National Farmers Market Week when
supporting local markets can be a few clicks away.

Visit the Local Food
Directories Page

Sharing Findings from
the National Farmers Market Managers Survey

The 2019 National Farmers Market Survey, conducted by USDA’s
Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) and the National Agricultural
Statistical Service (NASS), collected data regarding the market practices of
managers in 2019 from 10,000 farmers markets.

trends and statistics found from these efforts, AMS and its cooperative
agreement partner, Wheaton College, created five research briefs highlighting
results from this survey and sharing insights into the trajectory for farmers
markets into the future. For example, did you know that farmers market
managers are often volunteers (34%), rather than paid employees of the market
(29%). Nationally, 68% of vendors present in 2019 returned from the 2018
season, with more than one-third (37%) of markets experiencing an increase.
Additionally, around one-third of farmers markets offered or engaged in at
least one food waste and/or conservation program in 2019. For more details on
these trends, visit the AMS website for a full set of research findings.

Explore the Research

Seeds of Success:
Digging into the Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Program

month, we’re highlighting the work of Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion
grant recipients.

Community Foodworks/FRESHFARM

Community Foodworks, which later merged with FRESHFARM, received a Farmers Market Promotion Program (FMPP)
grant in 2011 to start a farmers market in the Columbia Heights neighborhood
of Washington, D.C., an area of the city with limited access to fresh and
local produce. After establishing this market, they received an additional
FMPP grant in 2014 to expand beyond the neighborhood. They grew their markets
and created a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program, building rapport
with participating farms and local organizations. In 2017, Community
Foodworks applied for a Local Food Promotion Program (LFPP) grant to
establish the Pop-Up Food Hub (PUFH) program. Community
Foodworks launched this project to purchase produce wholesale from farmers
and distribute this food to local organizations directly. This bridged the
gap between small producers and community organizations, giving both groups a
stable and reliable market, and encouraging more local food options. 

currently is continuing to work on farm to school initiatives with public
schools in D.C. and nearby Arlington, Virginia while simultaneously working
to increase the number of pick-up sites for individuals to collect their CSA

Read the Full Story

Seeds of Success:
Where Are They Now?

The Agricultural Marketing Service’s (AMS) Seeds of Success highlights accomplishments
and lessons learned from Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Program
grant recipients. During National Farmers Market Week
(August 7-13), we are sharing adaptations and successes of recipients focused
on farmers market related projects.   

Jamestown – Chautauqua County, NY
As a direct result of community advocacy, the City of
Jamestown City Council passed a resolution in 2020 that ensured annual
support of
and the allowance for the farmers market to
operate on public lands and city-owned parks without costly ‘event’ fees or permits.
The FMLFPP grant funds helped promote the awareness and perpetuity of this
local market that continues to be a vital support system for low-income communities and regional
Read more about Renaissance Jamestown.

County Farmers Market – Frankfort, KY

Like many businesses
during the pandemic, the
Franklin County Farmers Market adopted a
hybrid model offering both online
ordering with curbside pickup and traditional in-person sales

for the 2021-2022 season. They also partnered with Community Farm Alliance to offer FreshRx, a vegetable prescription program for expectant moms and
a voucher program to connect produce vendors with local schools. Read more about Franklin County Farmers Market.  

Mujeres – Forest Grove, OR

This non-profit
provides holistic education and empowerment to low-income Latina women,
helping with child nutrition and access to locally grown and culturally
appropriate food. Their farmers wanted to be able to sell directly to
consumers and as a result, created
the Cornelius Farmers Market
in 2020 with 23 vendors, 13 of
which are Latino owned. Read more about Adelante Mujeres.

Inc. – Boise, ID

This non-profit created
a Global Gardens program to help beginning farmers, in particular the refugee
population, enter the local marketplace. They received an additional LFPP
grant in 2019 and plan to develop a
more efficient food hub market.
Jannus Inc. continues to adapt in a hybrid
environment via training
content videos
, virtual farmers markets, and delivery options for
their CSA. Read more about Jannus Inc.

The Seeds
of Success interactive map allows a glimpse into several of the many AMS
programs supporting local and regional food businesses. This map is only a
snapshot of the numerous resources available. To see the full list of grants
and opportunities, like those featured here, visit our webpage.

Check out all the

Local and Regional
Food Systems Reporting and Data Tool Webinar

Mark your calendar for the COVID Recovery and Resilience fall
webinar series, which will kick off on Friday, September 9 from 12:00
p.m.-1:30 p.m. EST. The webinar will start with a brief presentation about an
innovative new tool to improve access to data collection, analysis, and
utilization to foster a more equitable and resilient food system. The webinar
will also offer an opportunity for participants to provide feedback on the
new tool.

Register today!

Recent Opportunities

Invests More Than $14M to Support Agricultural Workforce Training for
Historically Underserved Communities

Last month USDA announced an additional investment of more
than $14 million to support agricultural workforce training in historically
underserved communities that will increase the resilience of the U.S. meat
and poultry processing sector.

investment is part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s ongoing efforts
through the American Rescue Plan to strengthen the nation’s food supply chain
by promoting fair and competitive agricultural markets. Funding is
available through the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture’s
(NIFA). Eligible universities can apply for funding through the Request for
Applications process. Minority-serving institutions, Hispanic-serving
institutions and land-grant Tribal colleges have made invaluable
contributions to advancing scientific research and developing future
agricultural leaders and change makers. Collectively, program investments
at these institutions will build a pipeline of well-trained workers and
support management of small-scale meat or poultry processing plants.

Visit the NIFA Website
for More Information

USDA Awards over $70M
in Grants, Increasing Access to Local Foods for Kids

On July
25, USDA announced more than $10M in Farm to School Grants for 123 projects
across the country. Additionally, for the first time, USDA is empowering
states with $60 million in non-competitive grants to develop stronger and
sustainable farm to school programs over the next four years. Both actions
will help more kids across the country eat healthy, local foods.

 Learn More About These

Funding for a Variety
of Eligible Entities

Education and Workforce Development

Application Due Date:
June 30, 2022 – September 1, 2022
depending on the program NIFA is making $68 million available in AFRI
Education and Workforce Development funding. NIFA requests applications for
the program to support:  

  1. professional
    development opportunities for K-14 educational professionals;
  2. non-formal
    education that cultivates food and agricultural interest in youth;
  3. workforce
    training at community, junior, and technical colleges;
  4. training
    of undergraduate students in research and extension;
  5. fellowships
    for predoctoral candidates and postdoctoral scholars; and
  6. special
    workforce development topics.

Learn more and find full application details here.

USDA Is Accepting
Applications for Placemaking Cooperative Agreements to Spur Economic Growth
and Community Development in Rural America

Application Due Date:
August 15, 2022

The funds are being made available through the Rural Placemaking Innovation Challenge
(RPIC). USDA is increasing RPIC funding to up to $4 million to assist more rural
communities access placemaking assistance. The previous funding level was $3
million. USDA is inviting eligible entities to apply for up to $250,000 to
help rural and Tribal communities create plans to enhance capacity for
high-speed internet access; preserve cultural and historic structures; and
support development in transportation, housing and recreational spaces.

Learn more.

1890 Institution
Teaching, Research, and Extension Capacity Building Grants (CBG) Program

Application Due Date:
August 31, 2022

The 1890 CBG is intended to strengthen teaching,
research and Extension programs in the food and agricultural sciences by
building the institutional capacities of the 1890 land-grant Institutions,
including Tuskegee University, West Virginia State University, and Central
State University. CBG supports teaching projects in the food and agricultural
sciences in the areas of curriculum design, materials development, faculty
development, and others. CBG strengthens research and extension programs in
need areas of studies and experimentation, program development support
systems, and more. CBG applications must address at least one of the
following National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) strategic goals:
sustainable bioenergy; food security; childhood obesity prevention; or food

FY 2022
Composting and Food Waste Reduction (CFWR) Pilot Project

Application Due Date:
September 1, 2022

The U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA), Natural Resources Conservation Service
(NRCS), under the Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovation Production
(OUAIP), is soliciting applications from eligible applicants to host a CFWR pilot project for fiscal year (FY)
2022. A webinar has been pre-recorded and can be viewed here. The presentation and supporting
information are posted in the “Related Documents” tab of this opportunity.
The recorded webinar is also available on the CFWR webpage.  
Learn more.

Indoor, and Emerging Agriculture Grant

Application Due Date:
September 22, 2022

The Urban, Indoor, and Emerging Agriculture (UIE) program
supports research, education, and extension work by awarding grants to solve
key problems of local, regional, and national importance that facilitate
development of urban, indoor, and emerging agricultural systems. The program
includes food value chain stages: production, harvesting, transportation,
aggregation, packaging, distribution, and markets.  Learn more.

Organic Certification Cost Share & OTECP

Application Due Date:
October 31, 2022

producers and handlers who are certified organic, along with producers and
handlers who are transitioning to organic production, can now apply for the
U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Organic and Transitional Education and Certification
(OTECP) and Organic Certification Cost Share Program
(OCCSP), which help producers and handlers cover the cost of organic
certification, along with other related expenses. Learn more.

for qualified lenders

Supply Chain Guaranteed Loan Program

Application Due Date:
Applications accepted until funds are exhausted 

Rural Development Food Supply Chain Guaranteed Loan
Program is authorized by the American Rescue Plan. This program guarantees
loans of up to $40 million for qualified lenders to finance food systems
projects, specifically for the start-up or expansion of activities in the
middle of the food supply chain. The program will support new investments in
infrastructure for food aggregation, processing, manufacturing, storage,
transportation, wholesaling, and distribution. Learn more.

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