
Buying New House May Need Lots of Plant Care

Trees in the readers landscape
Q. My wife and I just bought a house. The house has a
backyard with a good selection of different fruit trees and non-fruit trees. We
have noticed that as the trees were bearing fruit, the fruit looked a little
spotted and not exactly healthy. The same thing was happening to the leaves,
spotted & brown around edges. I thought it was due to lack of water? Then
we started to notice that all most all the tree stumps had their bark opening
in big patches and sort of peeling away. And now we see liquid, all most sap
like coming from these areas. The Peach trees bark actually looks white on the
outside! The trees don’t look healthy at all. It seems the trees were planted in

A. After looking at all the trees sent to me in pictures,
my first thought was that they could use 4 to 6 inches of wood mulch covering
the soil beneath them.  You would see a
big difference in their growth and health the season following an
Apple tree and trunk damage

            You can
pick up free wood mulch from the university orchard in North Las Vegas.  You just have to drive out there and get it. You
can get directions by calling the master gardener helpline any Monday through
Friday at 257-5555. The orchard is open for doing this on Tuesday and Saturday

            All of
the trees seem to have a lot of trunk damage probably due to borers.  I would to take a sterilized sharp knife and
remove all of the loose bark and damaged parts of the trunk down to undamaged
wood. At this point you will make your determination whether to keep them or start
over. If the damage is over half way around the trunk, you might consider
eventually replacing them. Less than that, it is probably worth trying to save

Plum tree with trunk damage
            If you
decide a tree is worth keeping then trim the borer damaged areas, removing dead
bark, all the way down to fresh, healthy tissue. It is okay to cut into this
healthy tissue with a clean knife. It will heal over just fine as long as the
trees get adequate fertilizer and water.

paint the trunk and exposed limbs with diluted white latex paint to help
prevent sunburn and lessen borer future borer damage. Dilute the white latex
paint half and half with water. 

sure the trees are getting adequate amounts of water on a regular basis. Right
now, in late January, that should be once every ten days or thereabouts with
about 15 to 20 gallons at each application. Got to once a week in February and
twice a week in May.

Peach tree with trunk damage
each tree with a fertilizer that has all three numbers and no zeros. An example
might be 10-20-10. You will probably not find this fertilizer exactly but the
important part is that the middle number is highest. The easiest thing to do is
to buy fertilizer stakes and pound them into the ground where the soil is wet
after irrigating and at least 12 inches away from the trunk.

            At the
same time apply an iron fertilizer to the soil, specifically iron EDDHA
chelate. All in all they look remarkably healthy except for the insect damage. Make
sure you get wood mulch and apply fertilizers to the trees again next January.

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