Microphotography of Fruits, Vegetables, Spices and Grains

Q. For the past few years I have been taking microphotographs of fruits and vegetables. One of the factors that has an impact on the quality of the image that I am able to get is the freshness of the fruit or vegetable. Are you aware of any source or sources that I could contact that grow produce here in southern Nevada? I am interested in all produce but especially interested in grains and spices.Thank you in advance for any information you may be able to email me. Robert Belliveau [email protected] See some of Robert Belliveau’s microphotography A. Robert, There are local producers. The best place to meet them is at the Farmers Market at the Las Vegas Springs Preserve on Thursday mornings from about 10 am to noonish. They will be growing things that will bring them the most money, highest demand and grown with relative ease. This usually precludes grains and spices. Most grains require a fairly large volume and spices are a possibility but they have not gotten into that market yet to my knowledge. Most spices are tropical or at possibly subtropical and a bit difficult to grow in southern Nevada without protected culture of some sort. But I would suggest you start at this market. Wish you the best. With Robert’s permission I have included his email above if you would like to contact him directly regarding the availability of fresh grains and spices in the Las Vegas area. Open publication – Free publishing – More las vegas

Microphotography of Fruits, Vegetables, Spices and Grains