
Fall Vegetable Planting Use Your Phone App

 Q. Because of the continuing heat through September, when would we plant vegetables for our home gardens. What veggies would you recommend for the first planting? Ideal vegetable seed germination temperatures oriented for spring planting when soils are colder. In the fall soil is warmer and gets colder. For fall gardens work backwards with this chart. A. The Fall planting season is always uncertain. Weather phone apps help our guesstimates for about two weeks.  What is seen on vegetable planting lists are averages of the planting dates for that season. For each season you should look at the 10 or 14 day forecast from your phone app. Fall Means Cool Season Vegetables In the Fall the focus is on planting “cool season (winter) vegetables”. Its kind of a misnomer because there is no such things as “cool season” and “warm season vegetables”. That is a human invention to categorize the vegetables we eat. Plants grow best along a continuum from 45 to 90F. Some plants grow better during cooler weather and others during warmer weather. Humans divided vegetables into these two groups. This weather phone app is typical for Pahrump, Nevada. https://pvtimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/web1_1007-weather_7153434.jpg Use Your Phone App Use your phone app to pinpoint when to plant by looking at the following ten days of weather. Let’s use sweet corn as an example. Soil warmth isn’t a problem in the Fall like it can be in the Spring. Sometimes during the Spring, the soil must be warmed first to get growth from some of the warm season veggies, like tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and watermelon.  In cooler soils they just sit there, wonderful-looking, with no growth. Work Backwards We are now transitioning to the “cool season vegetables”, so a warm soil is a blessing for them. Again, not like the spring with its cooler soils. Start with the so-called “warm season vegetables” first. Because we are planting in the Fall, start at the middle of the chart I attached and work backwards for planting times. Remember some cool season vegetables have a long production cycle (like sweet corn as an example). On crops with a long production cycle, plant early in the late summer and use varieties that have a shorter production time (like those varieties that are harvested in 60 to 75 days)! Save Germination Time Due to Warmer Soil Because you are planting in the fall when soil temperatures are warmer you can normally subtract five days from the production time on the packet (e.g., instead of 70 days for production, use 65 days) if you get it in early enough and wind is not a problem. Using 70-day sweet corn as an example, guess at the harvest date (say Nov 15). Plant in 65 days less than that (approximately Sept 10). It’s still a gamble that far out but can be worth it!

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Planting Vegetables from Seed in January

I have seen garden editors right that there is very little to do in January. How wrong! This is a very busy time of the year for vegetable production. In our cold desert climate with warm days and cold nights some of the best vegetables of the year are produced. Cool and cold winter temperatures slow growth of plants which concentrates flavors and reduces bitterness in many of our cool season vegetables. Germination from seed. As long as temperatures are warm enough during the day, seed germination of cool season vegetables may take longer but they will germinate if the soil is warm enough. Loose, dark, fluffy soils are warmer than heavy soils. Work in enough compost so that the soils are no longer compacted. Warm air during the day must be able to enter the soil through loose pores to warm it. Select vegetable seed of known varieties that have performed well in the past or have been recommended to you by others who are good gardeners. Don’t use varieties of seed that are unknown to you unless you just want an experience and don’t care about the end result. Know the temperature of your soil. This is important because diseases that are dormant in the soil may affect some vegetable varieties if the soil temperature is borderline for them. Beans are a good example and may fail due to root diseases if planted in soils that are too cold.   Use this soil temperature guide for vegetables Prepare the area to be planted with seed with a high phosphorus fertilizer of your choice. Triple super phosphate is a good choice for conventional gardeners. Bone meal, bat guano, mushroom compost are good choices for organic gardeners. Cover soils to be planted with clear or black plastic to warm the soil. I prefer clear plastic. Cover the soil with plastic two or three days before planting. Pin the edges of the plastic to the soil. Cover the edges of the plastic with soil so the wind does not lift the plastic. Just before planting cut slits in the plastic where seed is to be placed and leave the plastic on the soil surface until plants have germinated or longer. Pre-germination of vegetable seed initiates seed germination. Pre-germinating the seed is wetting the seed long enough for a long enough period so the seed absorbs water. This is the first step in germination. The seed is kept in water at room temperature for 6 to 12 hours. The seed is then removed from the water and the surface dried in the air or with paper towels. The seed should be planted as soon as it is dry enough to plant. Planting depth of seed is related to its size. Very tiny seeds are placed on the surface and covered lightly with soil. Larger seed are planted in the soil to a depth twice its diameter.

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