
Can I Use Compost With Worms in It?

Q. I have been collecting vegetables scraps for the last 6 months for composting but did not have a cover on my bin.  I have found the compost loaded with this bug or worm.  Can I use this compost? There are too many to pick out.  I’m afraid if put in soil they will kill plants but my compost is really good!! A. This is pretty common in compost. This question is one of the most common questions asked about composting on my blog.             Many of these types of insects feed on decaying foods and composts that are not quite finished composting. Once the compost is finished they are seldom a problem.             I don’t know how much compost you are talking about but if it is possible to layer out the compost the birds will come in and gobble them up.             You can cook them in the sun and they will decompose in your compost. To do it correctly the compost must be “fluffy” or loose enough to allow the heat to spread through it evenly.             Spread the compost in a layer several inches thick. It should be slightly moist but not wet. Cover it with a clear plastic drop cloth and hold it in place with some nails or staples. The edges of the plastic must be sealed so no heat escapes.             Hold it in place with some rocks, blocks or bricks so it does not blow away. Leave it in direct sunlight for about two weeks. The temperature will get hot enough to kill most of the insects. Maybe pupa of cutworm or armyworm? Pupa is the transitional stage between larva or worm and the adult. In these cases moths. The adults are moths that you will see flying around your porch light at night. As a kid we used to call them “Miller moths”. Kind of dusty, maybe an inch across. They used to fly right into the light and sometimes get “fried”. When you see these moths, the eggs they laid will hatch in a few days and it is time to put down some Bt sprays or dusts on your vegetable garden.

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Stems of Beans Devoured at the Base

 Beans planted in cool soils can get collar rot or get devoured by cutworms Q. I found a couple of beans in my garden that have been devoured at the base. Could it be some sort of soil born larva or possibly a virus?  Any ideas would be helpful. I did find one small white worm about a half of a centimeter long near the root about an inch away.    A. It could be a couple of things. First, with cool weather and cool soils it might be collar rot disease that rots the stem at soil level. This will happen if you plant beans too early in cold soils. Some varieties of beans are more susceptible to this than others. Most likely cutworm damage             The first indicator is that some plants appear stunted and grow poorly.  I usually end up removing these plants and hope the weather warms up.              The other problem can be cutworms.  You should be spraying or dusting the soil surface around these plants with either Dipel or Thuricide, an organic pesticide.  This is the time of year you should be doing that anyway for a variety of pests in the vegetable garden.

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