UNR Extension Tours of Southern Nevada Gardens

              Join the Master Gardener Docents, starting Saturday, November 12, for guided tours of the beautiful and interesting Extension gardens (corner of Paradise and Windmill) as well as its interior courtyard. Lots of different plants to look and learn about. Learn which plants performed the best and why? Learn which plants use the least amount of water and, finally, where you can get them! Dates vary to make it convenient for you! The tours are seasonal, so our fall series of tours is happening now, but the tours will stop in early December and will resume again in the spring, usually from April to June.              Tours are conducted two to three times a month from until April. Register in advance on Eventbrite by typing in Garden Tour in Eventbrite’s search bar. Future tours start mid-mornings and oftentimes last one and half hours. The tours are scheduled on Eventbrite and attendees need to sign up there.             The Extension Botanic Gardens feature over 1500 species of plants, including many found nowhere else in the Las Vegas Valley! Docents lead attendees through highlights of the gardens and answer many different and tough questions about these plants and where you can get them.             Please wear comfortable walking shoes! Tours are fun, informal, and full of exercise. Come join them! For more information call Lauren at 702-940-5432.

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