
Don’t Move Plants in Late Spring!

Q. My dwarf Genoa lemon tree growing in a 12-inch diameter planter will be two years old in October. I’d like to plant it in the ground. Is this a good idea now?  Eureka lemon growing in Las Vegas. One of the true lemons. A. It’s a good idea to plant it in the ground but no, not now. Late spring is the absolute worst time to move fruit trees to a new location. Hot weather is coming quickly. Wait until mid to the end of September when weather cools a bit from hot, summer temperatures.             Fall is the best time for planting and replanting, bar none. Spring is in second place but that’s when most plants are available.             Take as much of the roots as possible in the move. Dig the new hole and have soil amendments mixed into this soil. Use this soil mixture for backfilling around the roots after it’s planted.             Plant it as soon after digging as possible. Make a moat around the tree to hold water from a hose. Water it thoroughly with a hose three times in three consecutive days. Remove the moat and turn it over to your automatic watering system. By the way, Genoa lemon looks very similar to Eureka lemon. It has never been that popular in the US but it is supposed to be more tolerant of cold winters than Eureka or Lisbon lemon but not Myers (which is not a true lemon).

Don’t Move Plants in Late Spring! Read More »

Lemon Can Get By On Few Hours of Sun During Winter But Not Other Times of Year

Q. I have a Meyers lemon that is currently potted.  Now that I have lived through a winter here I have paid better attention to my sun. There are two spots along the back wall that get maybe 3-4 hours of direct sunlight at the shortest time of year.  Do you think it would survive being planted against a warm cinder block wall with only that much sun?  Gloria Caruso’s immature Eureka lemon in Las Vegas A. Meyer lemon will freeze back in our harshest microclimates in the Valley. On the other hand some of the more tender citrus, such as the limes, can handle our winters just fine if they are placed in the right microclimate. The number of hours of sunlight in the winter is probably not as important as the number of hours for the rest of the year. Certainly four hours of sunlight is far too short for nearly all fruit producing and flowering plants if this light is during the spring, summer and fall months. But if this plant receives eight or more hours during these non winter months, when temperatures are at least warm, it might do just fine. To protect from freezing temperatures in the winter it is best that it’s placed near a very warm winter wall with very little exposure to wind. Some people wrap or drape them with materials and other use heat sources such as Christmas tree lights along with draping.

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