
France Overtakes UK, Canada and Australia for Number 2 Blog Spot

Readers of Xtremehorticulture of the Desert Blog are in the thousands all over the world. The Blog was designed specifically to address questions regarding desert horticulture or how to work with domesticated plants in arid and desert environments. My Blog has always had a strong readership from Australia and understandably because of its arid and desert climates in much of the country. Desert horticulture is a unique type of horticulture and it takes awhile to adjust and learn it if you are from wetter parts of the world. The climate, soils, plants all are very different from “normal” horticulture and gardening. So it makes sense that readers from the Middle East, Central Asia and other hot dry places read Xtremehorticulture. But why France? It surprises me that France has taken over the number 2 spot in readership of Xtremehorticulture for the day, week,  month and even of all time over the likes of all the others. I don’t understand it but …Vive la France!

France Overtakes UK, Canada and Australia for Number 2 Blog Spot Read More »

Xtremehorticulture of the Desert Hits 10.000 Hits in May

Xtremehorticulture of the Desert hit 10,000 hits in May, 2012, after its beginnings in July of last year. The intention of this blog is to discuss horticulture under desert conditions. Horticulture in the desert is difficult! Nearly all of the textbooks on horticulture come from areas and are taught by people who do not discuss horticulture in the desert. Growing things is vastly different under desert conditions and requires specialized training and knowledge. Most frequently read posts on Xtremehorticulture of the Desert Thanks for reading and particularly those who have commented. I don’t earn anything from this but have alot to give back to the Las Vegas community for so many years of their kind support. I hope you can make this blog your community blog on horticulture. Below are the all time top hits since its inception last year. Below are where these hits came from across the globe. The dark green areas have the most hits. The lighter green areas have fewer hits. Where people are from who are reading Xtremehorticulture of the Desert

Xtremehorticulture of the Desert Hits 10.000 Hits in May Read More »