
Figs Producing No Fruit

Q. My fig tree produced almost no fruit and no new growth last year.  The leaves looked burned on their perimeter. Any recommendations? A. This sounds like a water issue; not enough water applied or not watering often enough or both. Water and nitrogen fertilizer is what pushes new growth. They work together. Fig trees could be considered desert adapted plants (Mediterranean actually). Lack of enough water is a common problem when growing figs here. I see this a lot with figs grown using drip irrigation. Figs grown in Las Vegas raady for the Farmers Market The amount of water depends on the size of the plant. Generally, productive figs that have been pruned correctly will require about 30 gallons of water once a week at this time of year. This amount will be applied twice a week around May 1 or when temperatures approach 100F. Cover the soil with wood chips to a depth of 3 to 4 inches (minimum) and extend it to a distance of at least 3 feet in all directions from the trunk. This will help reduce fruit drop. If the tree is irrigated with drip irrigation, increase the number of emitters or increase the number of minutes, until you approach the volume of water I am recommending. Kadota figs grown in Las Vegas Flood the area under the tree with water from a hose now and capture this water in a 6 foot diameter basin or moat around the tree. This should help flush any possible salts that may have accumulated in the watered area and get the tree off to a good start. Rock mulch is not a good idea for figs. There is no reason why you cannot have a bountiful crop with nearly any variety of fig in this climate. They all do well here when they are managed correctly.

Figs Producing No Fruit Read More »

Fig Fruit Drop May Be Lack of Water

Q. After reading your suggestions I have a feeling the problem could be not enough water.  What do you think?  I have been watering three times a week for 1 1/2 hours (8 gal. each hour) for a total of 12 gallons each time. I took a picture of the fig tree so you could get an idea on the size of the tree.  As you can see the tree is mulched. Readers fig tree A. A very reliable indicator that a fig is not getting enough water is poor fruit development. Fig is a very resilient plant when it comes to water and can withstand fairly droughty conditions. But one of the first things a fig will do when water is limiting is hold back on fruit production or produce fruit that is not “juicy” because that requires lots of water.  Figs produced along the Brown older wood. This is the first crop produced on the wood from last year. This is called the Briba crop. Fig fruit will be small and tough if not enough water is applied. When water is withheld even further then you will see the results in growth. At this point fruit production is no longer in the picture much but rapid and wild growth will be curtailed. Figs need new growth for fruit production. The more growth it has, the more fruit it will produce on this new growth. New growth becomes the source of fruit production this year and early fruit production (Briba crop) next year. Once fruit production is over you can pull back on watering but it needs plenty of water when fruit is being produced.   Figure leaf yellowing and leaf drop can be a sign you need to give more water It is hard for me to tell if your watering is adequate or not. The frequency, three times a week, sure seems enough. The quantity of 12 gallons each time sure sounds enough for a small tree like that. Without going down to the roots somehow and seeing if the soil is moist or not we are just guessing. Mulching helps but a small amount of mulch around the trunks a couple of feet in all directions and an inch thick will not be enough most likely. I like to put down mulch at least four inches in depth and have it out as much as the edge of the canopy (where the growth stops) to be effective. But the proof is in the pudding. If fruits are not swelling up to a good size and full of water my guess is that something is keeping the water from getting to the fruit from the roots. Either not enough is applied or often enough or there is something stopping the water from getting to the fruit such as root damage, trunk or limb damage, disease or insect problems.

Fig Fruit Drop May Be Lack of Water Read More »