
Pine Tree Recovery from the Heat

Q. I have fifteen-year-old, 20 to 30 foot pines on a half-acre. They suffered during the heat this past summer. After your advice, I am doubling the amount of water and hosing off the needles once a week. How long is the recovery time using vitamins?    Too much water? Probably not. But they don’t need it as often as a lawn does. When you look at the amount of water that pine trees need, the total amount of water is not far from what an efficient lawn would need. The difference is in frequency of application. Trees, this includes pine trees, should be watered much less often than a shallow rooted lawn. A. I am not a big fan of applying vitamins like Super Thrive. Some people swear by them, It can be cheap insurance though if you’re not sure. Your call on that one. Who can argue with success? The research doesn’t support it but the use of products like these (and other “me too” products) are not supported by research. However, some landscape professionals and homeowners disagree. In the long run, it’s cheap insurance to use it.             Washing the needles of pines is not necessary. It is true of Italian cypress because they tend to get spider mites. Pines do not.             They might need more water than 15 gallons. Play that by ear by watching the new growth next spring and early summer. You should get at least 12 inches of new growth every year and not experience severe needle drop during the hot months. Those are indicators the tree is not getting enough water. When you see this in a pine tree growing in the desert, it usually means a lack of water. The amount of water pine trees need is grossly underestimated by most homeowners and landscape professionals. They need a lot of water all at once but they don’t need it that often.             Once you find the right amount of water (minutes and gallons), keep it consistent through the year. The amount of water they are given should not change much throughout the year. It’s like filling a gas tank. Instead, change how often they receive the water. Summer months water more often. Winter months, water less often. One of the best ways to irrigate large trees is to “basin irrigate”. This is a modification of an irrigation technique called “flooding”. Rather than drip irrigation, a landscape bubbler (not a drip bubbler) is used to fill a flat basin. The basin around the tree, doughnut if you will or moat, must be flat! This basin is increased in size every few years to accommodate a larger tree. The bubbler emits water at one or 2 gallons per minute. The basin is full in 10 to 15 minutes.             As plants get bigger, they require more applied water, not watering more often. Watering frequently with small amounts of water produces shallow roots and trees that blow over in strong winds.             You should see an improvement in the first half of next year. Nothing this year.

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Converting to Desert Landscapes Can Damage Existing Trees

Q. We removed half of our lawn with a 15 year old Chilean Mesquite in the middle which has done very well up to this point. Besides water from the lawn it had its own water supply located near the trunk. During grass removal, roots were chopped and six small plants with drip emitters in the rock mulch surrounding the tree. Will the tree be okay now that the front half sits in rock with only the plant emitters providing water. A. The short answer is it will not. You need to supply more water to this tree or it will begin to drop its leaves and the branches will begin to die back. Mesquite roots growing deep for water.             Now the long answer. Chilean Mesquite is among a group of plants, called phreatophytes, which have the potential to develop a very deep root system when growing in the wild along arroyos. In the case of mesquite, 200 feet or more. This is if the tree is in the right location together with deep, infrequent rains that help establish roots to that depth. Arroyos, or desert gullies, concentrate rainwater in one location pushing water to great depths with the roots of these plants not far behind.             Phreatophytes like mesquite when grown with water that is applied frequently grow rapidly, vigorously with a very dense canopy. In many home situations, trees do not develop deep roots because the water supplied to them, such as your lawn, is applied only to the surface few inches.             During 15 years of growth, the vast majority of roots will grow in a “mesh” 12 to 18 inches just below the lawn. The six irrigated plants planted under the canopy will help somewhat but not enough. Removal of tree roots also reduces generally speaking, most trees can lose as much as 50% of their roots and still recover provided they get adequate amounts of water.             My hunch is your mesquite will start dropping leaves at the onset of hot weather and you will see limb death in the canopy. The roots will try to reestablish themselves wherever they can find water but the canopy will die back because of root loss and inadequate amounts of water. Tree dieback after converting from lawn to desert or rock landscape.             What should you do? During this hot weather you should put a hose out there and irrigate the rock beneath the tree about once a week during hot weather. This is a stopgap measure.             You might consider installing a “bubbler and basin” around the tree in the future to provide more water. Use an irrigation valve previously for the lawn for the water source to bubblers. An irrigation bubbler is installed 2 feet from the trunk. If this basin is quite large, two bubblers located in this basin might be needed to fill it. Each time you irrigate, fill the basin. Mesquite blown over because shallow rooted due to lawn and flower bed             It is important that the basin constructed is level and wide enough to lie on top of about half of the area under the canopy of the tree. A level basin, or berm, is built around the trunk approximately 3 to 4 inches high of the tree with the trunk at its center.             The bubbler is a type of emitter that pushes out usually 1 to 2 gallons a minute. Drip emitters emit gallons in hours, not minutes, so this is a large amount of water applied in one spot in a very short. Of time. This is why the basin or berm is needed.             If the tree is on a slope, then install the basin around the trees so that it is level. The water from the bubbler must flood the basin and be contained by the basin for it to work well. This may take 10 to 15 minutes with bubblers and anywhere from 20 to 30 gallons every time the tree is watered.             In midsummer when it’s hot this, watering might be once a week to every 10 days or so for desert trees like mesquite. Adjusting how often you water and how much is applied each time will determine how fast the tree grows and how dense the canopy is.             If you begin to irrigate less often, but apply more water each time, you will slowly encourage the roots of desert trees like mesquite to grow deeper.

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During Hot Weather Increase How Often You Water, Not How Much

Q. With the temps averaging 110 F, how much and often should I be watering my shrubs and trees? A. I would normally not increase the number of minutes on an irrigation clock but add one more watering day each week as it gets hotter. I would not recommend changing the number of minutes under normal circumstances but the number of watering days in the week. You seldom change the number of minutes on an irrigation clock after you are satisfied with your landscape irrigations. The number of minutes on an irrigation clock delivers a set volume of water during a cycle and it does it the same every time it comes on. This set volume of water fills the same volume of soil every time for every plant on that valve or station. This set volume of water wets the soil to the same soil depth and same spread every time it comes on. It’s like filling a gas tank on a car. This wetted soil supplies water to plant roots. Each time after an irrigation, that specific volume of water fills the soil to the same depth and width every time. Roots grow into these areas to get the water they need. Plant roots dominate the wetted soil where there is irrigation water. They do not grow into areas where there is little to no water. As temperatures increase, the amount of water needed by plants also increases and they consume water in the soil more quickly. Relating back to a gas tank of a car, we fill the soil with water again when the “gas tank” is about half empty. This means as temperatures get hotter we must fill the soil with water more often. This jump from 100F to 110F (10° F change) seems big to us but it is not as big as the jump as the jump from February to June (30 to 40° F). Usually an increase of one day each week, or about 20 to 30%, is enough to handle a 10% increase F in temperature.

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