
My Japanese Privet Died

Q. I have two tree form privets; one has nearly died, and the second looks to be withering at the top.  I have 8 bush form pivots that seem relatively healthy, and 2 that have completely died with one trying to bounce back from near death.  All the trees and bushes are in the same area getting the same amount of water. There just doesn’t seem to be a reason why some die and others thrive right next to each other.  Japanese privet dieback. Jp is a mesic plant not suitable for rock, dry or very hot locations. A. First of all, Japanese privet, like its name suggests, is not suitable for the desert. It’s suitable for Japan and similar climates. Whenever we take a plant and grow it outside of its “comfort zone” (parts of Japan and China) we will have problems unless we take these problem areas into consideration. Plants, unlike animals, cannot move from an inhospitable place to a more hospitable place. We can, as all animals can, because we have legs. For this reason, it’s location, where it’s planted, is extremely important. Japanese privet can handle the hot temperatures of southern Nevada but not dry locations. It does very well in lawns in Las Vegas.            Do You Know What Will Happen Tomorrow? You are looking at this plant at one point in time. You don’t know what will happen to this plant in the future; all you can do is look at its current situation and what happened to it in the past.             Japanese privet will do okay in the desert if it receives afternoon shade, enough water and soil improvement; just like Japan. Japanese privet is what we call a “mesic” plant and must receive adequate amounts water on a regular basis. Secondly, Japanese privet performs well with amended soil and needs this soil improved on a regular basis to survive. For this reason, it doesn’t like to be surrounded by rock mulch when the amendments run out. Thirdly, it doesn’t like direct desert sunlight all day long. Particularly if surrounded by rock.

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Unknown Tree With Branch Dieback Not Ash

Q. I have a tree that appears to be dying but I don’t know what it is. I was reading your article about the disease on ash trees and tried to access the pictures of ash trees but couldn’t find them. I believe the tree is about 15 years old. Readers tree A. Thank you for sending me pictures of your tree. I can tell you it is definitely not an ash tree. It was difficult to identify from the pictures but from the close-up of the leaves I think it is Japanese privet, sometimes called wax leaf privet. This is a tree or sometimes grown as a shrub commonly planted in southern Nevada. If this is wax leaf privet you should see clusters of white flowers followed by black berries about the size of blueberries in the same clusters. Privet with leaf drop and twiggy dieback due to irrigation They frequently have the same problem here which is dieback of small branches which makes them look very “twiggy”.  I posted a picture of this plant growing in southern Nevada on my blog that shows this branch dieback and leaf drop I am talking about. This plant doesn’t like our desert environment or drip irrigation very much. It definitely does not like rock mulch. They prefer growing in a much lusher environment. The only time I really see them looking good is when they’re surrounded by a lawn that receives a lot of water. You might try putting bedding plants that require watering water every couple of days and surround the tree with wood mulch or a very lush lawn. They do great in East Texas all the way back to the Carolinas but do not look all that well in landscapes located in the dry or desert West. See these links in this blog http://xtremehorticulture.blogspot.com/2014/08/privet-dieback-due-to-irrigation.html http://xtremehorticulture.blogspot.com/2011/07/q.html

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Overgrown Privet Is a Goner

Q. I have a neglected privet that has overgrown its space. When and how far back should I prune it and keep its shape? My neighbor cut one back several years ago and it never came back at all.  Thanks. A. I may have some bad news for you. I looked at the picture and I am guessing most of the leafy growth is out towards the edges of the plant and on the inside will be bare branches.  If your pruning cuts are made back to the inside of this plant where there is no leafy growth, re-growth from these cuts will be either slow or they won’t regrow. Regardless, this plant is going to look bad for a long time after these pruning cuts are made.  This is really a case where you have a plant that was just too largeat maturity placed in a spot that was just too small.  Really your best alternative will be to replace it if you want to look nice. It is possible to make some deep cuts and it may regrow but these cuts will have to be done just to the outside of some buds and done very carefully

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Cause of Ragged-Looking Japanese Privet Leaves

Q. I have in front of my house 5 big shrubs. Unfortunately I have no idea what they are called. They are getting water over our irrigation system.Today I took a closer look to my shrubs and found all 5 shrubs in really bad condition. 1. The leafs are full of white, at the edge brown dents, but only on the upper side. 2. I’ve noticed a lot of bees around and inside one of the shrubs.Perhaps cutter bees but I don’t have  circled bites on my leafs 3. On one shrub I have a small white net, perhaps a spider net? Here are my questions: Can you tell me the name of my shrubs and do you have any idea what my problem is? A. The plant you asked me to identify in the pictures is called wax leaf or Japanese privet. It is not a desert adapted plant so it should be managed the same as other plants which are not desert adapted. It is native to Japan and Korea and so it prefers non-desert soils, medium light intensity, cooler temperatures and rainfall. It is planted quite a bit in our desert and it always tends to look a little bad because it doesn’t like it here much. It prefers climates that are not desert. This is a plant that should not be grown in rock surface mulch but in the wood chip surface mulch instead. The usual reasons for this plant to decline in appearance is because the soil declines or becomes mineralized because of the loss of organics in the soil over time. The other reason it may tend to look badly is because of poor irrigation management. If rock surface mulch is surrounding these plants please pull it away from them down to bare soil. I would put about half a cubic foot of compost at the base of each plant and lightly work it into the soil and irrigate thoroughly. Next, I would check to make sure the irrigation is working correctly and there are enough drip emitters for each plant. Each plant should have at least two drip emitters located about 12 inches from the main trunk. I would apply about 3 to 4 inches of wood chip mulch, not bark mulch, around all of the plants. Remove by pruning any parts of the plant that are ugly in appearance. Fertilize the plants once a year in January with an all-purpose tree and shrub fertilizer. The easiest way to apply it is put a handful of fertilizer next to each drip emitter and water it into the soil. Irrigate these plants as you would any other trees and shrubs that are non-desert plants. Follow-up Q. So, your opinion is that all the white dents (scars) on the leafs are a  fertilizing and irrigation problem? I have no fungus or bugs? And also the cutter bees inside the shrub are not connected to the visual problems ? Should I buy some insecticide? Followup A. I know it seems improbable that irrigation could cause leaf damage like some of what you are seeing and I agree that is not the only problem. However, my experience with wax leaf privet is that they are out of their climate zone when grown in Las Vegas and growing them here puts a lot of stress on these plants. The way to decrease the stress on these plants is to give them better growing conditions. This means soil improvement, planting them in the right light and heat exposure in a landscape, using organic surface mulches to continually improve the soil and maintain soil moisture and elimination of rock surface mulches that tend to mineralize the soil. Once you begin to improve their health and decrease their stress most of the problems that you see will disappear. Then we can start looking for other things that are causing problems to these plants but the major problem you are seeing is due to their environment, either natural or manmade. We do not have a lot of disease and insect problems on these plants. The diseases that we do have on these plants are from watering too often and poor drainage of water from around the roots. If these same plants were grown in central Japan where they are native you would not see the majority of these problems. Las Vegas is not central Japan. Create an environment in your home landscape that is closer to the environment where they originate; soils have higher organic matter, light intensity is less, temperatures are cooler, humidity is higher. Try to re-create as much of this environment as you possibly can in Las Vegas; plant on the north and east sides of buildings where they receive shade from late afternoon sun, add organic material back to the soil, avoid rock surface mulches, etc. When growing plants in the desert that don’t belong here you must try to find locations that emulate where they came from as closely as possible. Apply management practices that emulate their original envrionment. Insects and diseases are not the majority of the problems with this plant. By the way, the attraction of bees to this plant is typically an indicator that one of the sap sucking insects that secrete honeydew is present; aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs or scales. The bee problem could be cleaned up with sprays of soap and water on the undersides of leaves. After the plants are in better health then start working on the bee problem.

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Privet Dieback Due to Irrigation

Q. We have had these trees in our backyard for 15 years.  All of a sudden, one has a bare spot. What might this be? I enclosed a picture. Not readers but demonstrates dieback in privet due to infrequent or shallow irrigations A. From your picture the plant looks like Japanese or Texas privet. Privets are notorious for looking pretty bad, leaf drop and twig dieback when they are not kept moist. They usually do nicely in lawns or when surrounded by other plants with a similar water requirement. Typically they do not do well in rock mulch and if the soil becomes too dry. So I usually recommend that the rock mulch environment is enhanced with wood mulch or that other plants are included around the base of the plant that require more frequent watering.

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