Grey Colored Beetles on Zucchini Most Likely Squash Bugs
Q. Every year my zucchini plants are infested with grey-colored beetles that destroy my zucchini. How do get rid of the beetles? Squash bugs on the underside of squash leaves. A. These are most likely squash bugs. You can verify it by visiting my blog and checking the picture I posted to confirm it. It is not just zucchini they will attack but other squashes such as winter squashes, melons and sometimes cucumber. It is reported that butternut and acorn winter squashes are somewhat resistant. You can plant late, in June, after their infestation time has passed. However you may have a hard time getting the fruit to set when temperatures are very high. Squash bug damage and infestation on squash You can hand pick them as you see them. You must do this as they appear soon after planting and get rid of them as soon as you see them. Do this for about three weeks and the numbers will be greatly reduced. Thirdly, you can vacuum them with a handheld vacuum cleaner. They will be on the undersides of the leaves so look for them there.
Grey Colored Beetles on Zucchini Most Likely Squash Bugs Read More ยป