
Is This Verticillium Wilt in My Olive Tree?

Do you think the sparse looking tree could have verticillium that you mentioned in your newsletter? Q. I need your help again. I have two Swan Hill olives trees in the back yard. One has lost a lot of leaves and looks sparse and the other looks good. I have also taken a couple pictures of of the problem tree. Do you think the sparse looking tree could have verticillium that you mentioned in your newsletter? A. The tree looks pretty young and I would not expect it this soon in its life if it appeared at all. This disease is not common here.             It is hard to really know if the disease is present or not just by looking at a tree. Olive has few problems.             It is by deduction. Verticillium wilt causes limb dieback in trees. My olive tree has limb dieback. Therefore my olive tree has Verticillium wilt. That’s how it is diagnosed now without sending a sample to a pathologist.             Typical Verticillium wilt symptoms do not occur in olive like they do in other trees. Upon close inspection of an infected limb, olive looks normal instead of having the vascular streaking common to that disease.             Two things you can do; watch it and see if it gets worse or send a sample to the state pathologist with the Nevada Department of Agriculture. This would be in Carson City. His contact information is on their website or call their local office at 702-486-4690.             I would not cut any limbs or remove them until you have some better idea of what is going on from a source that does not profit from tree removal. In the meantime, water it frequently and deeply. Fertilize it now for good growth.

Is This Verticillium Wilt in My Olive Tree? Read More »

Branch Dieback in Olive Sign of Soil Disease

Q. We have a twenty year old olive tree in our front yard diagnosed with Verticillium wilt disease. The north third of the tree appears to be healthy. If we remove this tree, what distance from the old hole is needed for the new tree? We would a replacement tree to provide shade. We are looking at oak, pine, ash, spruce or fir.   Olive leaf drop and branch dieback may be a sign of verticillium wilt in olive. A. That’s unfortunate. Hopefully the diagnosis was correct and it is not something else that caused it. The information you received about the disease sounds correct. This disease is present in the soil and enters the tree via the roots.             Olive has very few pest problems and an excellent tree for the desert. Verticillium wilt disease is rare in olive here but does occur. Symptoms include the death and dieback of individual limbs for no apparent reason.             Trees resistant to Verticillium wilt disease and good choices for you in our desert include live oak such as Heritage or holly oak, ornamental pear, European pear, honeylocust, apple, crabapple and any of the conifers such as pines.             Eucalyptus is also resistant but a lot people do not like eucalyptus since it can be “messy”. I would not recommend spruce or firs since they do not grow well in our climate.             If you want warmth from the winter sun then conifers (pine) or any evergreen tree (such as our southern oaks) is not a good choice for you. I would stay with ornamental pear or honeylocust for seasonal shade, disease resistance and good looks.             If you stay with Verticillium resistant trees, planting in the same general area should not present a problem.

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