
Peaches Produce Fruit at Different Times With Different Flavors, Aroma and Flesh Color

Q. Several years ago at the University orchard on Horse Drive you gave us a list of five different peach trees to plant, each ripening at different times. We’ve enjoyed peaches from May through September ever since. Thanks. ‘Earlitreat’ peaches on May 24, 2005, at the University orchard in North Las Vegas. Other good early peaches include ‘FlordaPrince’. ‘FlordaKing’, and ‘Earligrande’. A. I prefer to plant entire fruit trees, rather than a single tree with several varieties (think “fruit cocktail” trees). that ripen at different times of the year for many different reasons. Let’s talk about one of them. Peaches like this Early Elberta (‘July’ or ‘Kim’) make the next round along with ‘June Pride’, and ‘Snow Beauty’. Generally, the varieties of fruit trees that flower earliest produce the earliest fruit. In our climate peach varieties start flowering the first week of February and other later producing varieties of peach may start flowering as late as the as the end of April. Later flowering varieties frequently produce fruit later as well. Dont forget the flat peaches like ‘Donut’ and ‘Galaxy’. They produce fruit also around July. As examples, the peach variety named ‘Earlitreat’ begins flowering the first week of February. Other early producing peaches like ‘FlordaPrince’ and ‘FlordaKing’ start flowering about a week after ‘Earlitreat’.  If there is a frost while the flowers are open, think early spring through early summer, it produces less fruit or maybe no fruit at all! These varieties of peaches will produce fruit (if frost permits) in mid to late May until early June. Peach varieties like ‘Indian Blood’ may be worth the October wait due to its very special aroma and flesh color. The variety of peach called ‘Red Baron’ produces fruit around July but doesn’t begin flowering nearly a whole month later than ‘Earlitreat’; early March! By selecting varieties that flower early or later usually will affect when the fruit is produced. The missing information are the varieties that taste the best! Each peach variety is different, performs differently in the desert and tastes different. If a light frost occurs anytime between February 1 and the middle of March (estimated date for our last frost can be as late as March 15!) then we will be guaranteed fruit if we are growing several varieties of peach trees in the same location.

Peaches Produce Fruit at Different Times With Different Flavors, Aroma and Flesh Color Read More »

Early Mid and Late Peaches for Season Long Production

Q. I live in the Mesquite area (1800 ft elevation) and was looking to plant 3 differant varieties of peach’s that would not ripen all at the same time. Would also appreciate some advice on when to plant them and where I might obtain them should you recommend bare roots.  The eye-popping visual of Indian Free peach. Flavor is incredible as well when it is grown in the desert. A. It is hard to predict which peach trees will be available for you to purchase to help you plan. I can make recommendations but these trees may or may not be available. Off of the top of my head, I would probably pick a yellow peach, a white peach for sure. Something like May Pride, Babcock and Indian Free. If you look at my downloadable recommended variety list it will tell you which are early, mid and late peaches. http://xtremehorticulture.blogspot.com/2011/10/recommended-fruit-trees-for-southern.html You can also look at varieties posted on Dave Wilson Nursery at http://www.davewilson.com/br40/br40_trees/peaches.html

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Make Your Peaches Larger by Thinning Enough

Readers nectarine tree Q. My 23 year old nectarine is always loaded with fruit. I sent you a picture. I usually “thin” out the fruit when they’re quite small but I can’t seem to thin out enough so they get bigger. Should I remove the flowers now before the fruit forms or wait until the fruit is formed and then attempt to thin out? I know the tree in the picture is ugly but the fruit it bears is delicious. A. I am not concerned with the looks of the tree but I am concerned that it has enough canopy to shade the branches which helps prevent sunburn on the limbs and fruit. Sunburn damage on limbs in turn attracts boring insects and increases the decline of the tree.             Since the leaves are responsible for collecting solar energy and converting this solar energy into chemical energy in the form of sugars, the number of leaves compared to the number of fruit is a pretty critical relationship if you want larger fruit. You want anywhere around 50 to 70 healthy leaves for every good-sized fruit. Peach before thinning             I know you won’t go around counting the leaves to determine the number of fruit to remove but it gives you an idea that if you don’t have a good canopy of leaves, then you will have to remove a lot of fruit.             This is why it is important for your tree to have good canopy development from proper pruning. This allows sunlight to penetrate on to leaves inside the canopy. Leaves growing in shade produce fewer sugars and may actually rob sugars from developing fruit. Peach after thinning             This is why we tell people to leave fruit spaced an average of about 4 to 6 inches apart on the fruit-bearing limbs. Start removing fruit when they are the size of your thumbnail.             I would not remove flowers as an alternative to thinning the fruit. You don’t know which flowers are going to set fruit and which ones will not. You might leave flowers that don’t set any fruit.             Harvest your fruit when they are still firm but have developed their full-color. It is acceptable that there is just a little bit of green left on the fruit at the time of harvest. Depends on the variety.             This helps avoid a lot of bird damage to the fruit. The birds like to get them when the sugar content is starting to climb. Following Murphy’s Law, this is nearly always the day before you decide to pick them. Pick soft fruit at the first sign of bird damage and let undamaged fruit ripen on the kitchen counter for a couple of days. After they ripen, put them in the refrigerator to help preserve their freshness.

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